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'''Theodosius Teodosie al II-lea''' was the emperor of the Eastern a fost Împărat al Imperiului Roman Empire during the first half of the fifth centuryde Răsărit în prima jumătate a secolului al V-lea. He is known for the law code El este cunoscut prin codul juridic numit ''Codex Theodosianus'' produced during his reign and for the erection of the defensive walls for Constantinople known as the intrat în vigoare în timpul domniei sale şi pentru ridicarea unui zid de apărare a Constantinopolului numit ''Theodosian WallZidul lui Teodosie''.
==LifeViaţa==Flavius Theodosius was born in April Teodosie s-a născut în aprilie 401, the eldest son of ca cel mai mare fiu al lui Aelia Eudoxia and the Eastern Roman Emperor Arcadiusşi a Împăratului bizantin Arcadie. In January În ianuarie 402, he was proclaimed el a fost numit co-Augustus by his father Arcadius and succeededaugust de către tatăl său Arcadie şi a urcat pe tron în 408, under the regency of the praetorian prefect Anthemiusla moartea tatălui său, to the throne upon the death of his father in 408sub regenţa prefectului pretorian Antemie. His older sisterSora sa cea mare, [[Împărăteasa Pulcheria the Empress|Pulcheria]] influenced his life greatlya influenţat puternic viaţa lui Teodosie, particularly pushing him toward Orthodox Christianityîn special prin împingerea lui spre creştinismul ortodox. In În 414, at the age of fifteenla vârsta de cincisprezece ani, Pulcheria dismissed Anthemius, having found fault with his tutoring of Theodosiusl-a demis pe Antemie din cauza felul greşit în care îşi realiza atribuţiile de tutore faţă de Teodosie. She then assumed the position of regent and was proclaimed Augusta as well as becoming his tutorEa şi-a asumat atunci funcţia de regentă şi a fost proclamată augusta în acelaşi timp devenind regenta lui Teodosie. In În 416, Theodosius Teodosie al II was proclaimed emperor in his own right while -lea a fost proclamat împărat de drept în timp ce Pulcheria continued to administer the governmenta păstrat şefia guvernului. While taking În timp ce şi-a light hand on affairs of government Pulcheria’s influence with Theodosius was visible in ecclesiastical affairspăstrat o influenţă redusă asupra guvernării, Pulcheria a avut influenţă importantă asupra lui Teodosie în privinţa problemelor ecleziastice. In June În iunie 421, Theodosius married Teodosie s-a căsătorit cu Aelia Eudocia, by whom he had daughtercare i-a dăruit o fiică, Licinia Eudoxia.
==Legacy==Other than his initiatives in updating the legal code for the empire, his lengthy reign was relatively devoid of achievements. Civil war was practically non-existent in the eastern empire which enjoyed internal stability, but the west slowly disintegrated under barbarian pressures. In Christian affairs, his actions were strongly influenced by presence of his sister Pulcheria who supported the Orthodox position in the Christological disputes, but in his latter years his support of the monophysitic side temporarily threw the Orthodox Christians into disarray before his death. ==External linksLegături externe==
*[http://www.roman-emperors.org/theo2.htm Theodosius II 408 - 450 A.D.]
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[[CategoryCategorie: RulersConducători]] [[Categoryen: Roman EmperorsTheodosius II]]