29 de modificări
__NOTOC__The '''Church Calendar''' consists of a series of cycles by which [[feast]]s are celebrated in the [[Orthodox Church]]. There are currently three calendars in use in the Church, the '''[[Calendarul Iulian]]''' ("Old Calendar"), '''[[Revised Julian Calendar]]''' ("New Calendar"), and '''[[Calendarul Gregorian]]''' ("New Calendar").
==UsageUnde se folosesc==*The Bisericile care folosesc [[Julian CalendarCalendarul Iulian]] churches are: [[Church of JerusalemIerusalim|JerusalemIerusalim]], [[Church of RussiaRusia|RussiaRusia]], [[Church of Serbia|Serbia]], [[Church of Georgia|Georgia]], [[Church of PolandPolonia|PolandPolonia]], [[Church of Sinai|Sinai]], [[Church of UkraineUcraina|UkraineUcraina]], and şi [[Church of JapanJaponia|JapanJaponia]].
*The [[Revised Julian CalendarCalendarul Iulian]] churches arese aplica in: [[Church of ConstantinopleConstantinopol|ConstantinopleConstantinopol]], [[Church of Alexandria|Alexandria]], [[Church of AntiochAntiohia|AntiochAntiohia]], [[Church of RomaniaRomânia|RomaniaRomânia]], [[Church of Bulgaria|Bulgaria]], [[Church of CyprusCipru|CyprusCipru]], [[Church of GreeceGrecia|GreeceGrecia]], [[Church of Albania|Albania]], [[Church of the Czech Lands and SlovakiaCehia şi Slovacia|Czech Lands and SlovakiaCehia şi Slovacia]], and the şi [[Orthodox Church in Biserica Ortodoxa din America|OCABiserica Ortodoxa din America]].
*The Bisericile ce se ghidează după [[Gregorian CalendarCalendarul Geoorgian]] churches aresunt: [[Church of FinlandFinlanda|FinlandFinlanda]] and şi [[Church of Estonia|Estonia]].