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49 de octeți șterși, 22 iulie 2008 14:58
__NOTOC__The '''Church Calendar''' consists of a series of cycles by which [[feast]]s are celebrated in the [[Orthodox Church]]. There are currently three calendars in use in the Church, the '''[[Calendarul Iulian]]''' ("Old Calendar"), '''[[Revised Julian Calendar]]''' ("New Calendar"), and '''[[Calendarul Gregorian]]''' ("New Calendar").
==UsageUnde se folosesc==*The Bisericile care folosesc [[Julian CalendarCalendarul Iulian]] churches are: [[Church of JerusalemIerusalim|JerusalemIerusalim]], [[Church of RussiaRusia|RussiaRusia]], [[Church of Serbia|Serbia]], [[Church of Georgia|Georgia]], [[Church of PolandPolonia|PolandPolonia]], [[Church of Sinai|Sinai]], [[Church of UkraineUcraina|UkraineUcraina]], and şi [[Church of JapanJaponia|JapanJaponia]].
*The [[Revised Julian CalendarCalendarul Iulian]] churches arese aplica in: [[Church of ConstantinopleConstantinopol|ConstantinopleConstantinopol]], [[Church of Alexandria|Alexandria]], [[Church of AntiochAntiohia|AntiochAntiohia]], [[Church of RomaniaRomânia|RomaniaRomânia]], [[Church of Bulgaria|Bulgaria]], [[Church of CyprusCipru|CyprusCipru]], [[Church of GreeceGrecia|GreeceGrecia]], [[Church of Albania|Albania]], [[Church of the Czech Lands and SlovakiaCehia şi Slovacia|Czech Lands and SlovakiaCehia şi Slovacia]], and the şi [[Orthodox Church in Biserica Ortodoxa din America|OCABiserica Ortodoxa din America]].
*The Bisericile ce se ghidează după [[Gregorian CalendarCalendarul Geoorgian]] churches aresunt: [[Church of FinlandFinlanda|FinlandFinlanda]] and şi [[Church of Estonia|Estonia]].
A number of the above churches also have some parishes and dioceses which are on a different O parte dintre bisericile de mai sus au, de asemenea, câteva parohii şi dioceze care se ghidează după un calendar than their respective diferit de cel al [[primatearhiepiscopiilor]]s, most especially the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in the majoritatea în special Patriarhatul Ecumenic al Constantinopolului din [[diaspora]], which has many Julian Calendar parishescare are multe parohii ce funcţionează după Calendarul Iulian. In terms of populationÎn ceea ce priveşte numărul de credincioşi, most Orthodox Christians follow the Julian Calendar majoritatea creştinilor ortodocşi ţin Calendarul Iulian (roughly de la 144 million to de milioane la 41 millionde milioane) but in terms of numbers of autocephalous and autonomous church bodies, the majority use one of the New Calendars însă după numărul bisericilor autocefale şi autonome, majoritatea folosesc Calendarele pe stil nou (de la 12 to până la 8).
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