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Efrem din Nea Makri

Versiunea din 2 septembrie 2012 13:17, autor: Sîmbotin (Discuție | contribuții) (Istoric: leg. int.)
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St Ephraim of Nea Makri

Sfântul Efrem din Nea Makri or St. Ephraim of Mount Amomon (Greek: Άγιος Εφραίμ Νέας Μάκρης / του Όρους των Αμωμών), believed to have lived from 1384 to 1426, is venerated as a martyr and miracle-working saint by many Orthodox Christians of Greece and abroad. His status as a saint is controversial to the secular West, as there are no sources testifying to his existence as a historical person. Believers regard him as a "newly revealed" ("νεοφανείς") saint, whose existence is a matter of divine revelation rather than historical proof. He has become one of the most beloved saints in the last thirty years and is a center of pilgrimage for the entire country of Greece. His martyric death is commemorated by the church May 5 and the discovery of his relics January 3. The relics were discovered through divine intervention in 1950; 524 years after his death. He was formally glorified by Constantinople March 2011.


Numele Sf. Efrem şi biografia sa cu detalii şi date exacte au fost revelate monahiei Macaria Desypri (1911-1999)într-o serie de vise de inspiraţie divină în anul 1950. În urma acestor vise, ea s-a încredinţat că voia lui Dumnezeu era ca ea să reconstruiască Mănăstirea Buna Vestire din Nea Makri, mănăstire ce a fost distrusă în secolul al XV-lea de către piraţi. Cu permisiunea episcopului local, monahia Macaria a luat în grijă ruinele capelei, şi în timp ce lucra la îndepărtarea molozului, se ruga să afle mai multe despre călugărul care a trăit cândva acolo. Răspunsul la rugăciune a fost un gând puternic care-i spunea "Sapă pământul aici şi vei găsi ceea ce cauţi". Ajutată de un tânăr muncitor, au descoperit o fostă vatră, cu trei ferestre mici, şi un perete parţial distrus, indicii că acel loc fusese cândva o chilie. În pământul din vecinătatea schitului, au fost găsite sfinte moaşte despre care s-a presupus că aparţin Sf. Efrem. Moaştele Sfântului au devenit rapid un loc pupular de închinăciune, iar Sfântul a devenit cunoscut ca un grabnic ajutător şi mare făcător de minuni. Pe locul unde a trăit si a murit ca şi martir, a fost reconstruită mănăstrirea cu hramul Buneivestiri a Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu.

În anul 1998, Efrem a fost proslăvit ca sfânt de către sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe a Greciei, iar în anul 2011 Sf. Efrem a fost trecut în rândul Sfinţilor şi de către Patriarhia Ecumenică de Constantinopol.


Potrivit viselor revelate maicii Makaria Desipri, Sf. Efrem s-a născut pe 14 septembrie 1384 în Trikala, Thessalia, având numele de Konstantinos Morphes. A depus votul monahal primind numele de Efrem şi s-a mutat în Attica să vieţuiască în ceea ce era atunci Mănăstirea Buna Vestire din Muntele Amomon. În anul 1424 mănăstirea a fost distrusă de trupele jefuitoare otomane. Sf. Efrem a reuşit să scape şi a trăit încă un an ca şi pustnic printre ruinele mănăstirii, în septembrie 1425 fiind însă prins de către turcii veniţi într-un nou raid. A fost ţinut captiv şi torturat mai bine de opt luni, iar în ziua de 5 mai 1426 a fost torturat până la moarte. Dudul de care se presupune că sfântul a fost spânzurat, este astăzi un loc de închinare în interiorul mănăstirii reconstruite.


St. Ephraim is portrayed in iconography as a slim, ascetic figure with black hair and beard, clad in the black robes of a monk. His feast days are January 3 (the anniversary of the discovery of his body), and May 5 (the anniversary of his martyrdom).

The monastery in Nea Makri, the centre of the saint's veneration and his miracle-working, is now a much-frequented place of pilgrimage attracting thousands of visitors, especially people praying for the healing of illnesses.


The Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate inducted St Ephraim of Nea Makri to its List of Saints of the Church of Greece March 4, 2011.[1]

An epistle was sent out by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew requesting the recognition of Saint Ephraim, who was martyred in 1436 and whose miraculous relics were divinely revealed in 195o, within the membership of the List of Saints of the Orthodox Church. Sixty years after the discovery of the relics of the Saint, the Standing Holy Synod of Greece, in a letter sent - as required - to the Ecumenical Patriarch as the sole power to promote the request, requested that his memory be celebrated on May 5th as well as January 3rd, since on the latter date his holy relics were discovered.

The Holy Synod wrote to the Patriarch that Saint Ephraim is widely acknowledged by Orthodox throughout the world as a saint. They further stated that

"the influx of pilgrims is massive, almost daily, and on Sundays and holidays the monastery is flooded with pilgrims from all of Greece.... The honor towards Saint Ephraim the New is clearly widespread throught Greece and outside of it.... There are churches dedicated to the Saint in Sitia and Tinos.... Icons of the Saint are venerated throughout the Orthodox world."

Previous attempts to induct Ephraim were attempted during the course of the Archbishopric of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Christodoulos in 1997 prompted then by Metropolitan Panteleimon (Bezeniti) of Attica. The Metropolitan wrote in a letter that

"according to Orthodox tradition and order, the Orthodox Church proclaims and establishes saints according to the conscience of the ecclesiastical world, and the administrative authority of the Church simply confirms the faith of the pious people, and that such a decision is declaratory in nature."

The Metropolitan Panteleimon was referring to the miracles of the Saint and the thousands of pilgrims who annually flood the monastery. A year later, while the Holy Synod of Greece called upon the Ecumenical Patriarchate to induct the Saint in the Hagiology, a conflict arose between the Metropolitan of Attica and the Monastery where St. Ephraim's relics lie and the issue became "frozen".


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