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467 de octeți adăugați, 7 septembrie 2010 08:53
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David was born in Bethlehem as the eighth and youngest son of Jesses-a născut în cetatea Betleem, fiind cel de-al optulea şi totodată cel din urmă fiu al lui Iesei. After [[După ce regele Saul]]'s disobedience to God -a îndepărtat de Dumnezeu (see 1 Sam [ I Regi, 15]), the Lord ordered the [[Prophet]] [[Domnul i-a poruncit proorocului Samuel]] to Bethlehem to visit Jesse and anoint one of his son's as the new kingsă meargă la Betleem, în casa lui Iesei, şi să ungă drept rege al Israelului pe fiul acestuia. As the youngestFiind cel mai mic şi foarte tânăr, David was left in the fields to tend the sheep while the holy man was visiting his father; howevern-a fost chemat de părintele său atunci când Samuel i-a cerut să-i arate pe fiii săi, the Lord revealed to ci a fost lăsat să pască turmele de oi. Dumnezeu însă i-a descoperit lui Samuel that none of the first seven sons was his Chosen Onecă nici unul din cei şapte fii prezentaţi de Iesei nu este cel ales de El, and Samuel inquired of Jesse whether he had another sonastfel încât sfântul a cerut să afle dacă aceştia sunt toţi fiii lui Iesei. Then Atunci a fost chemat şi David was called, and iar Dumnezeu i-a descoperit lui Samuel was told to anoint himca pe acesta să-l ungă drept rege al Israelului în locului lui Saul. A notable quotation concerning David's righteousness occurs in this passageUn verset memorabil din această carte este cel care descoperă cât de diferită este judecata omenească de cea a lui Dumnezeu:''Dar Domnul a zis către Samuel:But the Lord said to Samuel"Nu te uita la înfăţişarea lui şi la înălţimea staturii lui; Eu nu Mă uit ca omul; căci omul se uită la faţă, iar Domnul se uită la inimă"Do not consider his appearance or his .'' ([ihttp://www.bibliaortodoxa.ero/carte. Eliab, another of Jesse's sons] height, for php?id=66&cap=16 I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearanceRegi, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Sam 16:7]) {{ref|1}}
Thus Devenit Alesul, Unsul lui Dumnezeu la această vârstă fragedă, David became the Anointed One of the Lord at va fi trimis de tatăl său a young age. Soon he was called upon to visit the court of face o vizită la curtea regelui Saul, whocare abandonându-L pe Dumnezeu se afla chinuit de demoni. David era deja un foarte priceput cântăreţ la harpă, having forsaken the Lordiar Saul apreciind cântarea aceastuia care îi odihnea sufletul, was tormented by demons. David was already l-a talented harp playeroprit la curtea sa, and the music he made soothed Saulnumindu-l ca scutier al său. Saul liked David and made him his armor-bearer; David also became fast friends with se împrieteneşte repede cu fiul lui Saul's son , [[JonathanIonatan]].
  [[Image:davidandgoliath.jpg|right|thumb|In this Caravaggio painting, David decapitates Goliath after defeating him. King David was a popular subject in Western art during the Renaissance and afterwards.]] Next, the Israelites were having somewhat of a military stand-off against the Philistines, and two of David's brothers were waiting in the encampment. Jesse sent David with supplies and to get news of his siblings. Now, at this time a huge Philistine champion (either nine or twelve feet tall) had everyday for forty days emerged into the no-man's land between the two armies to taunt the Israelites, also declaring that man-to-man combat between him and whatever Israelite took up his challenge would effectively determine which side won the battle. David, outraged, took it upon himself to fight the Philistine with the blessing of Saul. Before the two even came to blows, David had felled Goliath using his sling and a stone that hit Goliath in the forehead. He then cut off Goliath’s head with the Philistine’s own sword, and the Philistine armies fled in terror.
===Flight from Saul===
*{{note|1}} Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
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