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74 de octeți adăugați, 7 februarie 2010 08:10
După moartea lui Teodosie ([[17 ianuarie]] 395), Imperiul Roman a fost divizat între cei doi fii ai săi: Arcadie, sub regenţa lui Rufinus, a primit partea orientală (Imperiul Roman de Răsărit, cu capitala la [[Constantinopol]]), iar Honorius (născut în 384), sub regenţa generalului Stilicho, a primit partea occidentală (Imperiul Roman de Apus, cu capitala la [[Roma]]).
Deoarece Arcadie avea o slabă personalitate, viaţa politică a Imperiului Roman de Răsărit era dominată de miniştrii săi, între care existau multe dispute, determinate mai ales de gelozie şi invidie. După asasinarea lui Rufinus (în anul 396), noul prim sfetnic al împăratului a devenit Eutropius, care a acaparat toată puterea.
Neavând înclinare spre activităţile militare, atât de importante pentru un împărat din acea perioadă, Arcadie a preferat să pozeze într-un împărat creştin pios; pentru aceasta s-a preocupat îndeosebi de combaterea ereziilor şi a păgânismului. În acest scop el a decretat o serie de legi, referitoare inclusiv la închiderea forţată a templelor păgâne de pe teritoriul imperiului.
As neither Arcadius nor Honorius were strong personalities, during their reigns they were dominated by senior ministers: Arcadius by Rufinus and Honorius by the Romanized Vandal ''magister militum'' Flavius Stilicho. The early part of Arcadius’ reign was taken up by intense competition and political jealousies engendered by these ministers. After Rufinus was assassinated in 395, Arcadius’ new advisor Eutropius became the power behind his throne. Not a military person, Arcadius portrayed himself a pious Christian emperor and concerned himself with the issues heresy and paganism about which he enacted a number of laws including forced closure of pagan temples.
While Rufinus hoped to tie himself closer to Arcadius by a marriage with his daughter, Arcadius had other ideas. During a period in April 395, while Rafinus was absent, Arcadius married Aelia Eudoxia, whose guardian was the general Promotus, a bitter enemy of Rafinus. After Rafinus’ assassination, the grand chamberlain Eutropius, who enjoyed a close relationship with Eudoxia, dominated Arcadius. Eutropius also gained the support of the local Orthodox [[clergy]] by encouraging [[John Chrysostom]] to accept the office of [[Patriarch]] of Constantinople in 398. However, Eutropius fell out of favor and, at the urging of Eudoxia, was dismissed by Arcadius, a move that was influenced by the maneuvering of the Gothic general Gainas, who himself was looking for recognition in Constantinople. In the autumn of 399, Eutropius was tried and executed in Chalcedon. However, attempts by Gainas to win the throne were frustrated and in the year 400 he was killed by Huns.
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