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Alexei al II-lea (Ridiger) al Moscovei

2.928 de octeți șterși, 24 august 2019 09:27
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[[Image:alexeyII.jpg|frame|right|Patriarch Patriarhul Alexei al II of Moscow and All Russia-lea al Moscovei și al întregii Rusii]]His Holiness Sfinția Sa [[PatriarchPatriarh]] ul '''Alexei al II -lea (Ridiger) of Moscowal Moscovei''' [[February 23februarie]], 1929 - [[December 5decembrie]], 2008[]) was the Patriarch of Moscow and the head of the a fost Patriarh al Moscovei și [[întâistătător]]ul [[Church of RussiaBiserica Ortodoxă Rusă|Russian Orthodox ChurchBisericii Ortodoxe Ruse]] from din 1990 until his deathpână la moartea sa.
==Viața și slujirea==
He entered Leningrad Theological [[Seminary]] in 1947Alexei Mihailovici Rüdiger s-a născut pe 23 februarie 1929 în capitala Estoniei, and graduated in 1949. He then entered the Leningrad Theological Academy (now [ Saint Petersburg Theological Seminary])Talin, and graduated in 1953.<ref name="official bio">[într-o familie de germani baltici rusificați.php?mid=99&lng=1 Alexy IIA fost descendentul unei familii de nobili germani, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Biographical Note], Biography, on the Moscow Patriarchate's official website.</ref><ref name="encbrit">''Encyclopedia Britannica Online'', s.v. Alexis II, http://www.britannicacare au trecut la ortodoxie în secolul al 1/19/2008</ref>
On April 15, 1950, he was [[ordination|ordained]] El a intrat la [[deaconSeminar]] by Metropolitan Gregory (Chukov) of ul Teologic din Leningrad, and on April 17, 1950, he was ordained în 1947 și a absolvit în 1949. Apoi a urmat cursurile Academiei Teologice din Leningrad Theological Academy (în prezent [[priest]] and appointed [[rector]] of the [[Theophany]] church in city of [[whttp:Johvi|Johvi]], Estonia, in the Tallinn Diocese//www.spbda. On July 15, 1957, Frru/english/index. Alexei was appointed Rector of the Cathedral of the [[Dormitionphp Seminarul Teologic Saint Petersburg]] in Tallinn and [[Dean]] of the [) unde a absolvit în 1953.<ref name="official bio">[Whttp:Tartu|Tartu]] district// He was elevated to the rank of Archpriest on August 17php?mid=99&lng=1 Alexei al II-lea, 1958Patriarh al Moscovei și al întregii Rusii, and on March 30, 1959, he was appointed Dean of the united Tartu-[[W:Viljandi|Viljandi]note biografice] deanery of the Tallinn diocese. On March 3, 1961Biografie, he was [[tonsure]]d a [[monk]] in the Trinity Cathedral of [[Holy Trinity pe website-St. Sergius Lavra]]ul oficial al Patriarhiei Moscovei.</ref><ref name="official bioencbrit" >''Encyclopedia Britannica Online'', s.v. Alexis II, 1/19/2008</ref>
On August 14În 15 aprilie 1950, 1961a fost [[hirotonire|hirotonit]] [[diacon]] de către Mitropolitul Grigorie (Chukov) de Leningrad, he was chosen to be the iar în [[Bishop17 aprilie]] of Tallinn and Estonia. On June 231950, 1964, he was promoted to a fost hirotonit [[preot]] și numit [[paroh]] la Biserica [[archbishopEpifania|Arătării Sfintei Treimi]]; anddin orașul Johvi, on February 25Estonia, 1968din Eparhia Tallinn. În 15 iulie 1957, at the age of 39Pr. Alexei a fost numit paroh al Catedralei [[Adormirea Maicii Domnului|Adormirii Maicii Domnului]] din Tallinn și [[protopop]] al districtului Tartu. A fost ridicat la rangul de protopop în 17 august 1958 iar în 30 martie 1959 a fost numit protopop al Protopopiatului unit Tartu-Viljandi din eparhia Tallinn. În [[3 martie]] 1961, to a fost [[tundere|tuns]] în [[monahism]] în Catedrala Sfintei Treimi din [[metropolitanMănăstirea Sfânta Treime-Sfântul Serghie]].<ref name="encbritofficial bio" />
From 1986 until his election as PatriarchÎn [[14 august]] 1961, he was Metropolitan of Novgorod and Leningradel a fost ales [[episcop]] de Tallinn și Estonia. After the death of În [[Pimen I (Izvekov) of Moscow|Patriarch Pimen23 iunie]] in 19901964, Alexei was chosen to become the new Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was chosen on the basis of his administrative experiencea fost ridicat la rangul de [[arhiepiscop]] iar, and was considered "intelligent, energetic, hardworking, systematic, perceptiveîn [[25 februarie]] 1968, and businesslike."<ref>Nathaniel Davisla vârsta de 39 de ani, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', 2nd ed. (Oxford: Westview Press, 2003), p. 85.</ref> He also "had a reputation as a conciliator, 'a person who could find common ground with various groups in the episcopate.' "<ref name="nd86">Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', 2nd ed. (Oxford: Westview Press, 2003), p. 86.</ref> Archbishishop Chrysostom (Martyshkin) remarked, "With his peaceful and tolerant disposition Patriarch Aleksi will be able to unite us all."<ref>''Zhurnal Moskovskoi Patriarkhii'', No. 10 (October), 1990, p.16, quoted in Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', 2nd ed. (Oxford: Westview Press, 2003), p. 284.</ref> Patriarch Alexei II was "the first patriarch in Soviet history to be chosen without government pressure; candidates were nominated from the floor, and the election was conducted by secret ballotdevenit [[mitropolit]]."<ref name="encbrit" />
Upon taking on the role of PatriarchÎntre 1986 și alegerea sa ca Patriarh, Patriarch Alexei became el a vocal advocate of the rights of the churchfost Mitropolit de Novgorod și Leningrad. După decesul lui [[Pimen I (Izvekov) al Moscovei|Patriarhului Pimen]] în 1990, calling for the Soviet government to allow religious education in the state schools and for Alexei a "freedom of conscience" lawfost ales să devină noul Patriarh al Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse.<ref name=El a fost ales pe baza experienței sale administrative și era considerat "encbrit" /> During the attempted coup in August 1991intelligent, he denounced the arrest of Mikhail Gorbachevenergetic, and anathematized the plotters.<ref name="encbrit" /> He publicly questioned the junta's legitimacymuncitor, called for restraint by the militarysistematic, and demanded that Gorbachev be allowed to address the peopleperceptiv și ca un om de afaceri."<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', 2nd ed. (Oxford: Westview Press, 2003), p. 9685.</ref> He issued a second appeal against violence and fratricideDe asemenea, which was amplified over loudspeakers to the troops outside the Russian el "White Houseavea o reputație de conciliator, 'o persoană care putea găsi punctele comune de discuție cu diferitele grupuri din eparhie.' " half an hour before they attacked.<ref name="nd86" /> Ultimately, the coup failed, which eventually resulted in the break-up of the Soviet Union.<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', 2nd ed. (Oxford: Westview Press, 2003), p. 9786.</ref>
Under his leadershipDupă preluarea funcției de patriarh, the [[New Martyrs]] and [[Confessor]]s of Russia who suffered under Communism were [[glorification|glorified]]el a devenit un susținător vocal al drepturilor bisericilor, beginning with [[Elizabeth the New Martyr|the Grand Duchess Elizabeth]], Metropolitan [[Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) of Kiev and Gallich|Vladimir of Kiev]], and Metropolitan Benjamin of Petrograd in 1992.<ref name=cerând guvernului sovietic să permită educația religioasă în școlile de stat și pentru o lege a "warelibertății de conștiință">[[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia|Timothy Ware]], ''The Orthodox Church'', new ed., (London: Penguin Books, 1997), p. 164.</ref> In 2000, the All-Russian Council glorified Tsar [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas II]] and his family, as well as many other New Martyrs.<ref>Sophia Kishkovsky, [ Russian Orthodox Church is set to mend a bitter schism], ''International Herald Tribune'', May 16, 2007; [ Second day of bishops' council: Nicholas' canonization approved], Communications Service, Department of External Church Relations, Moscow Patriarchate, 14 August 2000.</ref> More names continue to be added to list of New Martyrs, after the Synodal Canonization Commission completes its investigation of each case.<ref>Maxim Massalitin, [ The New Martyrs Unify Us: Interview with Archpriest Georgy Mitrofanov, participant of the All-Diaspora Pastoral Conference in Nyack (December 8-12, 2003)],, December 13, 2003.</ref>
Despite his age during his patriarchateSub păstorirea sa, Patriarch Alexei au fost [[canonizare|canonizați]] [[Noii mucenici]] și [[mărturisitor]]i ai Rusiei care au suferit sub comunism, începând cu [[Elisabeta Noua Mucenică|Marea Ducesă Elisabeta]], Mitropolitul [[Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) de Kiev și Galiția|Vladimir al Kievului]] și Mitropolitul Veniamin de Petrograd în 1992.<ref name="ware">[[Kallistos (Ware) de Diokleia|Timothy Ware]], ''The Orthodox Church'', new ed., (London: Penguin Books, 1997), p. 164.</ref> În anul 2000, Sinodul Tuturor Rușilorl-a canonizat pe Țarul [[Nicolae al II led an active political life-lea al Rusiei|Nicolae al II-lea]] și familia sa, dar și mulți alți Noi Mucenici.<ref>Sophia Kishkovsky, [ Biserica Ortodoxă Rusă este hotărâtă să vindece a schismă amară], ''International Herald Tribune'', May 16, 2007; [ He was frequently seen on Russian televisionhtml#31 Second day of bishops' council: Nicholas' canonization approved], Communications Service, conducting church servicesDepartment of External Church Relations, and meeting Moscow Patriarchate, 14 August 2000.</ref> Nume noi sunt adăugate permanent listei Noilor Mucenici, după ce Comisia Sinodală de Canonizare își completează investigațiile în fiecare caz.<ref>Maxim Massalitin, [ The New Martyrs Unify Us: Interview with various government officialsArchpriest Georgy Mitrofanov, participant of the All-Diaspora Pastoral Conference in Nyack (December 8-12, 2003)],, December 13, 2003.</ref>
He died on În ciuda vârstei sale, Patriarhul Alexei al II-lea a avut o activitate politică activă. El era văzut frecvent la televiziunea rusă, la slujbe ale Bisericii și la întâlniri cu numeroase oficialități guvernamentale. El a decedat în [[December 5decembrie]] 2008. În [[9 decembrie]] a avut loc slujba de înmormântare condusă de [[Patriarh]]ul [[Biserica Ortodoxă a Constantinopolului|Ecumenic]] [[Bartolomeu I (Archontonis) al Constantinopolului|Bartolomeu I]] în Catedrala Hristos Mântuitorul și a fost înmormântat în capela sudică din [[Catedrala Arătarea Sfântului Duh Elokhovo (Moscova)| Catedrala Arătarea Sfântului Duh Elokhovo]]din Moscova, 2008alături de alți patriarhi ai Bisericii Ruse.
His name Numele său (secular laic 'Алексей, clerical Алексий) is transliterated from the Cyrillic alphabet into English in various formseste transcris din alfabetul chirilic în engleză în diverse forme, including inclusiv Alexius, Aleksi, Alexis, Alexei, Alexey, and Alexy. When he became Când a monkfost călugărit, his name was not changed; this departure from custom was common in the Russian Church in Soviet timesnumele său nu a fost schimbat, această deviere de la tradiție fiind ceva comun în Biserica Rusă din vremea sovietelor.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union there have been accusations that Patriarch Alexei had ties to the KGBDupă prăbușirea Uniunii Sovietice, which resulted from documents which allegedly came from the KGB's archives in Estonia, and which refer to Patriarch au apărut diverse acuzații că Patriarhul Alexei with the code name "Drozdov."<ref>See for example, ''The Wall Street Journal'', [ 'Cold War Lingers At Russian Church In New Jersey'] December 28, 2007.</ref> It should be noted that it was very unusual for any person to be referenced in KGB documents prior to 1980 without a similar code name, regardless of an affiliation with the ar fi avut legături cu KGB. Patriarch Patriarhul Alexei has always denied that he was a negat întotdeauna că ar fi fost agent KGB agent,<ref>"Official spokesman for the Moscow Patriarchy Father Vsevolod Chaplin labeled such reports as 'absolutely unsubstantiated' in iar autenticitatea documentelor despre acest subiect a Wednesday interview with Interfaxfost contestată. 'There is no data indicating that Patriarch Alexy II was an associate of the special services, and no classified documents bear his signature,' he said. 'I do not think that direct dialogue between the current patriarch and KGB took place,' Father Vsevolod continued. However, 'all bishops communicated with representatives of the council for religious matters in the Soviet government, which was inevitable, since any issue, even the most insignificant one, had to be resolved through this body. It is quite another matter that the council forwarded all its materials to the KGB,' he said." [http Profesorul Nathaniel Davis subliniază:// Moscow Patriarchate Rejects Times Report of Alexy II'S Collaboration with KGB, Sept 20, 2000 (Interfax)]. "Chaplin, the church spokesman, said in MarchDacă episcopii doreau să își protejeze poporul și să supraviețuiască în funcție, 'Nobody has ever seen a single real document that would confirm the patriarch used his contacts with Soviet authorities to make harm to the church or to any people in the church.' " [ Russia's Wellei trebuiau să colaboreze într-Connected Patriarch, ''Washington Post'' Foreign Service, 23 May 2002]; "Father Chaplin said: 'In recent times many anonymous photocopies of all sorts of pieces of paper have been circulated. In none of them is there the slightest evidence that the individuals we are talking about knew that these documents were being drawn up, or gave their consent. So I don't think any reasonably authoritative clerical or secular commission could see these papers as proof of anything.' " Russian Patriarch 'was o anumită măsură cu KGB spy', ''The Guardian'' (London), February 12, 1999.</ref> and the authenticity of the documents in question have been disputed on the basis that they use anachronistic fonts which did not exist at the time the document ostensibly originated from, and that the Estonian government fabricated the documents in order to discredit the Russian Orthodox Church.<ref>Alexey Chumakov [ Agent Drozdov?], December 28, 2007cu comisarii de la Consiliul Afacerilor Religioase și cu alte facțiuni și autorități guvernamentale.</ref>
Professor Nathaniel Davis pointed out: "If the bishops wished to defend their people and survive in officeÎn orice caz, they had to collaborate to some degree with the KGB, with the commissioners of the Council for Religious Affairs, and with other party and governmental authorities."<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', (Oxford: Westview Press, 1995), p. 96. Davis quotes one bishop as saying: "Yes, we&mdash;I, at least, and I say this first about myself&mdash;I worked together with the KGB. I cooperated, I made signed statements, I had regular meetings, I made reports. I was given a pseudonym&mdash;a code name as they say there... I knowingly cooperated with them&mdash;but in such Patriarhul Alexei a way that I undeviatingly tried to maintain the position of my Church, and, yes, also to act as confirmat că au fost făcute compromisuri cu guvernul sovietic de către episcopi a patriot, insofar as I understood, in collaboration with these organs. I was never Patriarhiei Moscovei și a stool pigeon, nor an informercerut iertare în public pentru aceste compromisuri."</ref>
Patriarch Alexei has:''"În apărarea unui lucru, a fost necesar să dăm altceva în schimb. Există oare alte organizații sau alți oameni printre cei care aveau răspunderea nu numai pentru soarta lor înșiși ci și pentru a altor micii de oameni, care în acei ani din Uniunea Sovietică nu au fost obligați să acționeze la fel? Cu toate acestea, înaintea acestor oameni pentru care compromisul, tăcerea, pasivitatea forțată sau eprimarea loialității din partea liderilor Bisericii le-au cauzat durere, howeverînaintea acestor oameni și numai în fața lui Dumnezeu, acknowledged that compromises were made with the Soviet government by bishops of the Moscow Patriarchateeu cer iertare, and publicly repented of these compromisesînțelegere și rugăciune."''<ref>Dintr-un interviu al Patriarhului Alexei al II-lea, dat ziarului "Izvestia" nr 137, [[10 iunie]] 1991, intitulat "Patriarhul Alexei al II-lea:&mdash;Iau asupra mea responsabilitatea pentru tot ce s-a întâmplat", din Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', (Oxford: Westview Press, 1995), p. 89. A se vedea și [http://pagesorthodoxinfo.prodigy.netcom/frjohnwhitefordecumenism/patalexeiroca_history.htm Has the MP Repented?aspx [[ROCOR|Istoria Bisericii Ruse din Afara Granițelor]], December 28de Sfântul [[Ioan Maximovici|Ioan (Maximovici) de Shanghai și San Francisco]], [[31 decembrie]] 2007.</ref>
:''Conform cu cele spuse de Nathaniel Davis, când a fost întrebat de presa rusă despre acuzațiile că a fost un episcop "conformat"Defending one thing, it was necessary to give somewhere else. Were there any other organizations"Alexei s-a apărat spunând că în timp ce el era episcop de Tallinn, or any other people among those who had to carry responsibility not only for themselves but for thousands of other fatesîn 1961, who in those years in the Soviet Union were not compelled to act likewise? Before those peopleel a rezistat eforturilor autorităților de a transforma Catedrala Alexander Nevsky în planetariumul orașului (ceea ce s-a întâmplat, howeverîntr-adevăr în alte părți în Stalele Baltice) și de a converti Mănăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnuluii Pyukhtitsa în casă de odihnă pentru minei."<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to whom the compromises, silence, forced passivity or expressions Church: A Contemporary History of loyalty permitted by the leaders of the church in those years caused painRussian Orthodoxy'', before these people(Oxford: Westview Press, and not only before God1995) , I ask forgiveness, understanding and prayersp. 89f."''</ref>From an interview of Patriarch Arhive oficiale arată că eparhia de Tallin a avut un număr mai mic de închideri forțate de biserici decât media din restul URSS în timpul păstoririi Patriarhului Alexei II, given to "Izvestia" No 137, June 10, 1991, entitled "Patriarch Alexei II:&mdash;I Take upon Myself Responsibility for All that Happened", English translation from acolo.<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', (Oxford: Westview Press, 1995), fn. 115, p. 89272. </ref> See also Mitropolitul [ History of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad], by St. [[John Maximovitch|John Kallistos (MaximovitchWare) of Shanghai and San Franciscode Diokleia|Kallistos]](Timothy Ware) notează: "opiniile diferă referitor la colaborarea de atunci sau ulterior, December 31cu autoritățile comuniste, 2007dar ca privire de ansamblu se consideră eă el a arătat fermitate și independență în dialogul său ca episcop eparhial cu statul sovietic."<ref name="ware" /ref>
According to Nathaniel Davis, when asked by the Russian press about claims that he was a "compliant" bishop, "Aleksi defended his record, noting that while he was bishop of Tallinn in 1961, he resisted the communist authorities' efforts to make the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the city a planetarium (which, in truth, they did do elsewhere in the Baltic states) and to convert the Pyukhtitsa Dormition nunnery to a rest home for miners."<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', (Oxford: Westview Press, 1995) ,p. 89f.</ref> Official records show that the Tallinn diocese had a lower number of forced church closings than was typical in the rest of the USSR during Patriarch Alexei's tenure as bishop there.<ref>Nathaniel Davis, ''A Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy'', (Oxford: Westview Press, 1995), fn. 115==Relația cu Biserica Ortodoxă Română==Relațiile cu Biserica Ortodoxă Română au fost tensionate, p. 272pe marginea diferendului privind Mitropolia Basarabiei.</ref> Metropolitan [[Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia|Kallistos]] (Timothy Ware) notes, "Opinions differ over the past collaboration or otherwise between the Communist authorities, but on the whole he is thought to have shown firmness and independence in his dealings as a diocesan bishop with the Soviet State."<ref name="ware" />
În vara anul 2004 l-a decorat pe Igor Smirnov, liderul separatist din Transnistria, cu cele mai înalte distincții ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse, anume Ordinul Sf. Gheorghe Biruitorul și Petru I. În anul 2005, în cursul vizitei sale la Chișinău, patriarhul Alexei a fost decorat de președintele Vladimir Voronin cu cea mai înaltă distincție a Republicii Moldova. În anul 2008 l-a premiat pe președintele Vladimir Voronin pentru poziția acestuia în situația conflictuală legată de încercările Bisericii Ortodoxe Române de a crea episcopii pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova.
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[[en:Alexei II (Ridiger) of Moscow]]
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