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Teodor al IV-lea (Balsamon) al Antiohiei

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Teodor IV (Balsamon) al Antiohiei, binecunoscut ca și Teodor Balsamon (sau Valsamon), a fost patriarh al Antiohiei între anii 1185 și 1199. A fost canonist al Bisericii din Constantinopol, drept care chiar după ce a fost ales patriarh de Antiohia a continuat să stea la Constantinopol împreună cu administrația sa patriarhală.


Theodore is thought to have been born during the third decade of the twelfth century in Constantinople. He was hirotonit a diacon and appointed head of the law school in Constantinople with the title Nomophylax (Greek: Νομοφύλαξ, "Guardian of the Laws"). Under Patr. Theodosius I, he was charged with handling all ecclesiastical cases and trials submitted to the patriarchate in Constantinople from 1178 to 1183. In 1193, he was elected Patriarch of Antioch, but remained in Constantinople until his death in 1199.


Patr. Theodore's legacy is in his work as a canonist and his preservation of many source documents from the early political and theological history of Constantinople. His commentaries are still referenced by students of Orthodox Drept canonic and are published in the official collections of canon law known as the Pidalion (Greek: Πεδαλιον, "Rudder").

His works include the Scholia (Greek: Σχόλια), written about 1170. This work is a commentary on the "Nomocanon" of St. Fotie cel Mare which is the standard work on Orthodox ecclesiastical and imperial laws and decrees. Patr. Theodore also complied a collection of ecclesiastical constitutions (Syntagma) and works concerning the debate then ongoing following the Great Schism of 1054.

Casetă de succesiune:
Teodor al IV-lea (Balsamon) al Antiohiei
Precedat de:
Hristofor II
Patriarh al Antiohiei
Urmat de:
