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Nicolae al Japoniei

1.666 de octeți șterși, 21 decembrie 2007 06:17
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Spre sfârşitul anului 1877, Misiunea a început să publice un magazin, "Mesagerul Bisericii" cu o apariţie periodică. În 1878, erau 4115 Creştini în Japonia. În cultul public şi educaţia comunităţii locale se folosea limba locală. Tot în limba locală a fost iniţiată publicarea de cărţi despre spiritualitate şi [[etică]].
[[Image:nj1.jpg|thumb|right|Bishop NicholasEpiscopul Nicolae]]
În 1880, Sfântul Sinod a decis să crească personalul misiunii şi să-l ridice pe păstorul ei, Arhimandritul Nicolae la rangul de episcop. În [[30 Martie]] 1880, Arhimandritul Nicolae a fost hirotonit episcopde Tokyo în [[catedrală|Catedrala]] Sfintei Treimi de la [[Lavra]] [[Alexander Nevsky]]. Episcopul scria mai târziu: "În timpul [[sfântă taină|sfintei taine]] a [[hirotonire|hirotonirii]], sentimentele îl copleşesc pe om împotriva voinţei lui, ochii i se umezesc, sufletul este stingherit. Fiinţa sa interioară se transformă pe măsură ce [[ierarh]]ii îşi pun mâna dreaptă peste capul lui. Se ridică o persoană total diferită de cea care a îngenunchiat în faţa sfântului [[altar]]".
[[Image:nj2.jpg|left|Sfântul Nicolae]]
In 1880, the Holy Synod decided to increase the staff of the Mission and to elevate the head of it, Archimandrite Nicholas, to the rank of bishop. On [[March 30]], 1880, Archimandrite Nicholas was consecrated bishop of Tokyo in the Trinity [[Cathedral]] of [[Alexander Nevsky]] [[Lavra]]. The bishop wrote later: "During the [[sacrament]] of [[Consecration of the Eucharist|consecration]], feelings seem to overwhelm the man against his will, his eyes get wet, his soul embarrassed. His inner being is transformed as soon as [[hierarch]]s place their right hands upon him. He stands up a totally different person than he was before kneeling down in front of the [[altar]]."
Since then, Bishop Nicholas continued his apostolic labour with even greater zeal. He finished in 1891 the construction of the [[Holy Resurrection Cathedral (Tokyo, Japan)]], then proceeded with the translation of liturgical books, and composed ''The Orthodox Theological Dictionary'' in Japanese. He paid much attention to numerous Orthodox communities.
The Russian-Japanese War of 1905, however, turned out to be the time of ordeals for St Nicholas and his flock. He withstood them with honour, to the great surprise of the Japanese. He found a way to help Russian prisoners of war in their difficult situation. In recognition of this unprecedented effort, he was promoted to the rank of archbishop.
In 1911, after fifty years' missionary work of St Nicholas, the [[Church of Japan]] numbered 266 communities, including 33,017 Orthodox [[laity|laymen]], one archbishop, one bishop, 35 priests, six deacons, 14 teachers of singing, and 116 catechists.
[[Image:nj2.jpg|left|St. Nicholas]]
Throughout his life, St Nicholas set an example of a true spiritual director wholly devoted to his ministry. He was a man of inexhaustible energy, firm commitment, and outstanding efficiency. He said once: "I consider it inappropriate for a missionary to retire unless he is totally unable to serve. I have never tried on a 'robe de chambre,' not even in my dreams. I would better die on the field where God's Providence destined me to plough and sow."
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