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Serafim din Sarov

80 de octeți adăugați, 19 aprilie 2007 08:54
The miraculous transfiguration of the starets' face was described by Minunata transfigurare a close admirer and follower of St. Seraphimsfântului a fost povestită de un ucenic cu mare evlavie la sfântul, pe nume: Motovilov. This happened during the winterÎntâmplarea s-a petrecut iarna, on a cloudy dayîntr-o zi noroasă. Motovilov was sitting on a stump in the woods; Ststătea pe un trunchi în pădure iar Sf. Seraphim was squatting across from him and telling his pupil the meaning of a Christian lifese afla în faţa lui, explaining for what we Christians live on earthpovestindu-i despre sensul vieţii creştine şi explicîndu-i motivul vieţii creştinilor pe pământ.
"It is necessary that the Este nevoie să lăsăm [[Holy SpiritDuhul Sfânt]] enter our heartsă pătrundă în inimile noastre. Everything good that we doToate cele bune pe care le săvârşim în numele lui Hristos, that we do for Christni s-au dat prin Duhul Sfânt şi le putem face mai ales prin rugăciune, is given to us by the Holy Spirit, but prayer most of all, which is always available to uscare ne este tot timpul la îndemână," he saidspunea el.
"FatherPărinte," answered întrebă Motovilov, "how can I see the grace of the Holy Spiritcum aş putea vedea harul Sfântului Duh? How can I know if He is with me or notCum pot să-mi dau seama dacă este întru mine sau nu?"
StSf. Seraphim began to give him examples from the lives of the saints and Serafim a început să-i explice prin pilde din vieţile sfinţilor şi apostolilor d apostles, but Motovilov still did not understand. The elder then firmly took him by the shoulder and said to him, "We are both now, my dear fellow, in the Holy Spirit." It was as if Motovilov’s eyes had been opened, for he saw that the face of the elder was brighter than the sun. In his heart Motovilov felt joy and peace, in his body a warmth as if it were summer, and a fragrance began to spread around them. Motovilov was terrified by the unusual change, but especially by the fact that the face of the starets shone like the sun. But St. Seraphim said to him, "Do not fear, dear fellow. You would not even be able to see me if you yourself were not in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Thank the Lord for His mercy toward us."
Thus Motovilov understood, in mind and heart, what the descent of the Holy Spirit and His transfiguration of a person meant.
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