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Celestin al Romei

2.193 de octeți adăugați, 8 aprilie 2013 19:47
Pagină nouă: thumb|right|Sfântul Celestin, Papa Romei Cel întru sfinți părintele nostru '''Celestin al Romei''' a fost papă a [[Biserica Romei|Biserici...
[[Image:0408celestine-rome.jpg|thumb|right|Sfântul Celestin, Papa Romei]]
Cel întru sfinți părintele nostru '''Celestin al Romei''' a fost [[papă]] a [[Biserica Romei|Bisericii Romei]] între anii 422 și 432. În timpul păstoririi sale, papa Celestin a fost un important și puternic apărător al credinței ortodoxe în fața [[erezie]]i [[Nestorianism|nestoriene]]. [[Praznic|Pomenirea]] lui în Răsărit se face la [[8 aprilie]], iar în Apus la [[6 aprilie]].

Sfântul Celestin, a zealous champion of Orthodoxy, lived during the reign of the holy Emperor [[Teodosie al II-lea|Teodosie al II-lea]] (408-450). He received an excellent education, and he was known for his extensive knowledge of the [[Sfânta Scriptură]] and his theological ponderings.

The virtuous life of the saint and his authority as a [[teolog]] won him the general esteem and love of the [[clergy]] and people. After the death of St Boniface I, St Celestine was chosen to be the [[episcop]] of [[Church of Rome|Rome]].

A strong character, Saint Celestine was active against [[pelagianism]], he sent St. Germanus of Auxerre to Britain and St. Palladius to Ireland.

During this time, the heresy of [[Nestorie]] emerged. At a local Council in Rome in 430, St Celestine denounced this heresy and condemned Nestorius as a [[eretic]]. After the Council, St Celestine wrote a letter to St [[Chiril al Alexandriei|Chiril al Alexandriei]] ([[18 ianuarie]]), stating that if Nestorius did not renounce his false teachings after ten days, then he should be [[deposition|deposed]] and [[excommunication|excommunicated]].

St Celestine also sent a series of letters to other churches, [[Constantinopol]] and [[Antiohia]], in which he unmasked and denounced the [[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] heresy.

For two years after the Council, St Celestine proclaimed the true teaching about [[Christ]] the God-Man, and he died in peace on April 6, 432.

{{start box}}
înainte=Sf. Bonifaciu I|
titlu=[[Listă a episcopilor Romei|Papă al Romei]]|
după=Sf Sixt al III-lea|}}
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[[Categorie:Papi ai Romei]]

[[en:Celestine of Rome]]
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