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Sinodul IV Ecumenic

23 de octeți adăugați, 13 iulie 2019 03:14
Puncte de vedere necalcedoniene și aspecte ale dialogului între ortodocși și necalcedonieni (articole în limba engleză):
* [[:en:Category:Coptic interpretations of the Fourth Ecumenical Council]]
** [[:en:The Chalcedon Crisis and Monophysitism]]** [[:en:Agreed Official Statements on Christology with the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches]]** [[:en:Pastoral Agreement between the Coptic Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Patriarchates of Alexandria (2001)]]** [[:en:Article by Fr. John S. Romanides]]** [[:en:Chalcedon (An Analysis)]]** [[:en:After Chalcedon - Orthodoxy in the 5th/6th Centuries]]** [[:en:Pope Saint Dioscorus I of Alexandria (Coptic POV)]]** [[:en:The Orthodox Christology of St. Severus of Antioch]]** [[:en:Problems with the Chalcedonian Formula]]** [[:en:The Humanity of Christ (What Oriental Orthodox Believe)]]** [[:en:The One Will and the One Act]] - By HH Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria** [[:en:Additional/Miscellaneous Notes]]
[[en:Fourth Ecumenical Council]]
[[mk:Четврти вселенски собор]]
[[pt:Quarto Concílio Ecumênico]]
11.779 de modificări