Seminarul Teologic Ortodox Sfântul Gherman (Kodiak, Alaska)

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St. Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Kodiak, Alaska) is located in the town of Kodiak on Kodiak Island in the State of Alaska with a campus in Anchorage. Established as a pastoral school in 1972, the seminary now provides a number of educational programs to prepare students for work in the Orthodox Church, as readers, choir directors, church school teachers, and clergy.


With the closing of the Russian school at Unalaska in 1917, the Church in Alaska lost its ability to provide formal training for church workers and clergy. In time the lack of an institution to provide education locally was felt by the Diocese of Alaska as the shortage of trained people increased. To correct this situation the diocese approved in September 1972 a proposal by the archpriest Joseph P. Kreta to establish a pastoral school as the only practical way of solving this problem.

With the approval of the proposal by the diocesan council, the first semester of classes began on February 1, 1973. The classes were conducted in leased facilities at the Wildwood Station near Kenai, Alaska. This first class began with fourteen students. In August 1973, the Alaska State Department of Education recognized St. Herman's Pastoral School as a diploma granting institution.

The search for a permanent campus led to the procuring property in Kodiak, near the Church of the Holy Resurrection. In 1974 all classes were moved to the new facilities. In February 1975, St. Herman's was recognized by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America as a theological school within its seminary system. Then, two year later in 1976, the Holy Synod approved the re-naming of St. Herman's as a Theological Seminary. The seminary was subsequently authorized under the Alaska ordinances to grant degrees of Bachelor of Sacred Theology and Associate of Arts in Theological Studies.

A continuing program is in place to keep pace with the growth of the student body and to maintain and rehabilitate the buildings on the campus. Recently, classes in advanced studies have been conducted at an Anchorage campus.


St. Herman's Seminary offers a four year program of theological, liturgical, patristics, and Biblical studies in a progression of one year programs. A one year program is offered to prepare students to serve as readers and singers. This year is followed by a year of further Biblical studies, Church history and doctrine for teachers and catechists. As a diaconate program, the third year continues with classes in higher level theology and liturgical experience, and includes training in substance abuse counseling with a certification. A fourth year priestly formation program places emphasis on pastoral ministry and theological education and includes mentoring in prison and hospital ministry and in parish life and administration. These classes are held at the Anchorage campus,

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