Seminarul Hristos Mântuitorul (Johnstown, Pennsylvania)

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Christ the Saviour Seminary in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, is the seminary for the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese (ACROD), a self-governing diocese within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The seminary provides a broad religious education and training for men to become priests in the Orthodox Church.


The origins of Christ the Saviour Seminary are found in the vision of the first bishop of the diocese, Orestes (Chornock), in 1940. The seminary, at first, not having a permanent home, moved and held classes in a number of northeastern United States cities, including New York City; Nicholson, Pennsylvania; and Bridgeport, Connecticut. In 1951, the diocese acquired property in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, that became the home of the seminary. Johnstown is also the seat of the diocese. The property is a landmark in the west end of the city, the historic Strayer Mansion. The building has been developed to include class and lecture rooms and dining and recreation facilities, as well as a library and bookstore.

Programe de studiu

The main purpose of the seminary is to train priests for the ACROD and other Orthodox dioceses in the United States, as well in foreign countries. The seminary places emphasis on pastorally oriented training. It was approved in 1960 by the Pennsylvania State Council of Education to grant a Bachelor of Theology degree.

The seminary has tailored curricula for five classifications of candidates:

  • A three-year Bachelor of Theology program for students who already have baccalaureate degrees.
  • A cooperative program with the University of Pittsburgh for students without a baccalaureate degree.
  • A Licentiate of Theology diploma late vocations program for those without a previous undergraduate degree.
  • A special admissions program for individuals who do not intend to be ordained to the Orthodox clergy.
  • A less intense Diaconate program of studies for those men who wish only to serve as deacons.

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