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Versiunea din 10 ianuarie 2019 12:20, autor: Cristianm (Discuție | contribuții) (traducere paragraf)
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Purgatoriul este o învățătură de credință a Bisericii Romano-Catolice care consideră că cei care mor într-o stare de grație trec printr-o purificare pentru a atinge starea de sfințenie necesară intrării în rai (Catehismul Bisericii Catolice 1030).[1]

Biserica Ortodoxă nici nu a acceptat explicit termenul de "purgatoriu" nici nu a acceptat oficial o astfel de stare, care este distinctă de starea mult mai generală numită "adormit în Domnul." În cartea sa, intitulată De ce respingem purgatoriul?, Papa Copt Șenuda al III-lea prezintă mai multe argumente teologice și biblice împotriva purgatoriului. De exemplu, el se referă la 1 Tes 4:16,17, "şi cei morţi întru Hristos vor învia întâi; după aceea noi, cei vii, cei rămaşi, împreună cu ei vom fi răpiţi în nori ca să-L întâmpinăm pe Domnul în văzduh; şi astfel pururea cu Domnul vom fi.", în care Pavel descrie Ziua Ultimă apunând că cei credincioși care încă trăiesc se vor întâlni cu Domnul alături de cei care vor învia din morți și poi vor rămâne cu El veșnic. Papa Șenuda se întreabă: "Sunt acești credincioși (vii în Ziua Ultimă) scutiți de purgatoriu? Sau este Dumnezeu părtinitor cu ei?"[2]

However, a response to this objection from the Catholics is perhaps found in the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, in the discussion of the Final Conflagration. The Final Conflagration is the fiery apocalyptic transformation, accepted by the Fathers, of the Old Heaven and Old Earth into the New Heaven and New Earth on the Last Day, immediately preceding the General Resurrection and General Judgment. It is said that for those still living at the time of the Conflagration, it will transform their bodies; thus technically, in Catholic thought, those found living may also die for a brief moment (ie, the "twinkling of an eye" mentioned in 1 Corinthians).

According to the Summa, the Final Conflagration will act as "purgatory" for those found living who still need cleansing/healing: "There are three reasons why those who will be found living will be able to be cleansed suddenly. One is because there will be few things in them to be cleansed, since they will be already cleansed by the previous fears and persecutions. The second is because they will suffer pain both while living and of their own will: and pain suffered in this life voluntarily cleanses much more than pain inflicted after death, as in the case of the martyrs, because "if anything needing to be cleansed be found in them, it is cut off by the sickle of suffering," as Augustine says (De Unic. Bap. xiii), although the pain of martyrdom is of short duration in comparison with the pain endured in purgatory. The third is because the heat will gain in intensity what it loses in shortness of time."[3]

That said, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Kallistos Ware acknowledges several schools of thought among the Orthodox on the topic of purification after death. This divergence indicates that the Catholic interpretation of purgatory, more than the concept itself, is what is universally rejected. Also, there are Orthodox sources that indicate some sins can be forgiven after death[4];(Mt 12:32) but which also reject the notion of purgatory because of the indulgences and idea of purgatorial fire that are tied to it.

Some Eastern Orthodox sources, including the Ecumenical Patriarchate, consider Purgatory to be among "inter-correlated theories, unwitnessed in the Bible or in the Ancient Church" that are not acceptable within Orthodox doctrine,[5] and hold to a "condition of waiting"[6] as a more apt description of the period after death for those not borne directly to heaven. This waiting condition does not imply purification, which they see as being linked to the idea "there is no hope of repentance or betterment after death." Prayers for the dead, then, are simply to comfort those in the waiting place.

Other Orthodox believe in the "toll gate" theory by which the dead go to successive "toll gates" where they meet up with demons who test them to determine whether they have been guilty of various sins during life and/or tempt them to further sin.[7] If they have not repented and been absolved of those sins, or if they give in to sin after death, they will be taken to Hell.

Some Church Fathers, such as St. Cyprian and St. Augustine of Hippo, seemed to believe in a purification after death. However, the character of this purification is never clarified, and especially (as St. Mark of Ephesus underlined at the Council of Florence) it seems there is no true distinction between heaven, hell and the so-called purgatory: all souls partake differently in the same mystical fire (which, according to St. Isaac of Syria, is God's Love) but because of their spiritual change they are bound to different reactions: bliss for those who are in communion with him; purification for those in the process of being deified; and remorse for those who hated God during their earthly lives. Because of this confusion and inability of the human language to understand these realities, the Church refrains from theological speculation. Instead, she affirms the unbroken Tradition of prayers for the dead, the certainty of eternal life, the rejection of reincarnation, and the communion of the Saints (those living and those who have fallen asleep in the Lord) in the same Body of Christ which is the Church. Private speculation is thus still possible as it was in the time of the Church Fathers. Format:Incomplete

Sources and further reading