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OrthodoxWiki:Drepturi de autor

56 de octeți adăugați, 24 noiembrie 2006 13:04
Revoking Permissions
Violations of copyright law on OrthodoxWiki are not tolerated. All material is the responsibility of the contributors to the site, so while the administration does the best it can to prevent violation of copyright law, some material may have slipped their notice. (See: '''[[OrthodoxWiki:Disclaimer]]'''.) If you own a copyright that is being violated on OrthodoxWiki, contact [[OrthodoxWiki:Administrators|the administration]] immediately so that the problem may be resolved.
===Revoking PermissionsRevocarea Permisiunilor===In some casesunele cazuri, o persoana care a person who had previously posted or allowed content to be posted on postat sau a permis postarea unui continut pe OrthodoxWiki may wish to revoke permission for usepoate solicita revocarea permisiunii de utilizare. We will consider removing an article or image if it was clearly marked from the beginning as retaining full copyright and locked from further editing Vom lua in considerare revocarea unui articol sau a unei imagini numai daca s-a specificat clar de la inceput ca are drepturi de autor unice si este interzisa reeditarea (of contentcontinutului si nu al formatului, not necessarily of formattingin mod necesar). (We allow material to be released under more Permitem publicarea materialelor sub conditii mult mai restrictive licenses on this de licenta in acest site , in various casescazuri variate.)
HoweverCu toate acestea, once material is released to odata ce materialul este publicat pe OrthodoxWiki under our default sub licenta aplicabila GFDL/CC license, we can't accept revocation of permissionsnu putem accepta revocarea permisiunii, since already other people would've invested their time and effort into formatting and revising the articledeoarece deja alte persoane au investit timp si efort pentru formatarea si revizuirea articolului. In a senseAdica, the content becomes the property of the communitycontinutul devine proprietatea comunitatii, sprung from the donation of an individual seedcare a incoltit din donarea unei singure seminte.
Please contact Va rog sa-l contactati pe [[User:FrJohn]] if you have any questions about this policydaca aveti intrebari despre aceasta regula.
==See also==
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