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  1. Meletius (360—361), Semi-Arian, deposed in the reign of Valens for Homoiousian leanings

This deposition resulted in the Meletian Schism, which saw several groups and several claimants to the see of Antioch:

The Homoian group

The Meletian group

The largest grouping, centred around the deposed bishop Meletius. It moved towards an acceptance of the Nicene creed and participated in the Council of Constantinople, but was not recognized by Alexandria or Rome:

The Eustathian group

The followers of Eustathius, strictly adhering to the Nicene creed, elected the following bishops, who were recognized by bishops of Alexandria and Rome:

After his death the Eustathians did not elect another bishop. In 399 they lost the recognition of Alexandria and Rome, but remained in schism until 415.

The Apollonarist group

  • Theodotus (417–428) (alternately 420–429)