Moise Arapul: Diferență între versiuni

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== Surse ==
== Surse ==
*''Sinaxarul'' Părintelui Macarie de la Simonos-Petra
*''Sinaxarul'' Părintelui Macarie de la Simonos-Petra
*Paladie, ''Istoria lausiacă'', 19  
*Paladie, ''Istoria lausiacă'', 19 - (en)
*''Petericul egiptean'', seria alfabetică, „Petru avva Moise”
*''Petericul egiptean'', seria alfabetică, „Petru avva Moise”

Versiunea de la data 20 decembrie 2018 11:50

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Avva Moise Arapul sau Moise Etiopianul sau Moise cel din tâlhari a fost unul din marii Părinți ai pustiei Egiptului la sfârșitul secolului al IV-lea și începutul secolului ai V-lea. A fost contemporan cu sfântul Arsenie cel Mare (prăznuit la 8 mai). A murit ca mucenic în anul 407, când tribul berberic al mazakinilor (Libia) a distrus Schetia. Prăznuirea lui în Biserica Ortodoxă se face la 28 august.


Cuviosul Moise era etiopian de neam și s-a născut în jurul anului 330. A fost în tinerețe sclavul unui megistrat, dar acesta l-a alungat pentru multele răutăți pe care le făcea, așa că a devenit un tâlhar de temut. Acesta în cele din urmă venind întru umilință, din oarecare primejdie, s-a păcait și s-a dus la Schetia, în pustia Egiptului, unde a fost primit de avva Isidor preotului Schitului și de avva Macarie cel Mare (prăznuit la 19 ianuarie), care l-au catehizat (că era păgân), l-au botezat și l-au învățat viața călugăcească.

St. Moses dashed in many worships, and fought a spiritual fight, which was greater than that fought by many saints. However, the Devil fought him intensively with his old habits of excessive eating, drinking, and fornication. He informed St. Esidorous about everything which came upon him in his fight with the Enemy. He comforted him and taught him how to overcome the snares of the Devil. It was told about him, that when the elders of the Monastery slept, he used to go round to their cells and take their water pots and fill them with water, which he brought from a well at a far distance from the monastery. After many years in spiritual struggle, the Devil envied him, and struck him with a sore on his foot which made him sick and bed-ridden. When he knew that this was from the Devil, he increased in his asceticism and worship, until his body became as a burnt wood. God looked to his patience, healed his illness, and removed all his pains. The blessing of the Lord came upon him. After a while, he became the Father and the spiritual guide of 500 brothers, who elected him to be ordained a priest. When he came before the Patriarch to be ordained, the Patriarch wanted to test him by asking the elders, "Who brought this black here? Cast him out." He obeyed, and left saying to himself, "It is good what they have done to you, O black colored one. The Patriarch, however, called him back and ordained him a priest, and said to him, Moses, all of you now has become white."

One day, he went with some elders to St. Macarius the Great, who said to them, "I see among you one to whom belong the crown of martyrdom." St. Moses answered him, "Probably it is me, for it is written: 'For all they that take with the sword, shall perish with the sword.'" (Matt. 26:52). After they returned to the monastery, it did not take long until the Berbers attacked the monastery. He told the brethren, "Whoever wants to escape, let him escape." They asked him, "And you O father, why do you not also escape?" He replied that he had waited for this day for long time. The Berbers entered the monastery and killed him with seven other brothers. One of the brethren was hiding, and saw the angel of the Lord, with a crown in his hand standing by and waiting for him. He went out from his hiding place to the Berbers and he was also martyred.

Moaștele sale se află în Mănăstirea coptă a Maicii Domnului din El-Baramous în Egipt.


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