Marcion din Sinope

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Versiunea din 17 ianuarie 2011 10:25, autor: Sîmbotin (Discuție | contribuții) (Învăţăturile eretice ale lui Marcion)
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Marcion din Sinope (cca. 110-160) a fost un eretic din secolul al II-lea. Sistemul lui de învăţături, cunoscut sub numele de marcionism, a fost condamnat de Biserică ca erezie.


Marcion s-a născut în Sinope, oraş din provincia romană Asia Minor (actualmente Sinop, în Turcia). A devenit un armator înstărit. Conform celor scrise de Sf. mucenic Ipolit, papă al Romei, chiar tatăl lui Marcion, care era episcop, l-a excomunicat pe motive de imoralitate. După aceasta, Marcion a plecat la Roma (în anul 140), unde a devenit un susţinător financiar important al Bisericii de acolo.

După câţiva ani de la sosirea sa la Roma, Marcion a început să-şi dezvolte propriul sistem teologic, susţinând ereziile cunoscute mai târziu sub denumirea de marcionism. Mai mult, a început să-şi organizeze discipolii într-o comunitate separată. Pentru toate acestea, el a fost excomunicat de către Biserica de la Roma în anul 144.

Marcion a continuat însă să-şi facă noi prozeliţi. De la Roma, folosindu-şi considerabila sa avere şi talentul său organizatoric, a convertit la erezia sa numeroase persoane de orice vârstă şi rang de pe întinsul întregului Imperiu Roman. A reuşit astfel să întemeieze o puternică organizaţie ecleziastică paralelă cu cea a Bisericii Ortodoxe.

O relatare provenită de la Tertulian şi confirmată de Sf. Irineu de Lyon spune că Marcion a încercat să folosească bani pentru a influenţa Biserica să aprobe învăţătura lui, dar a fost refuzat.

Numeroşi Sfinţi Părinţi au luat poziţie împotriva lui Marcion şi au combătut ereziile sale, printre aceştia numărându-se Sf. Iustin Martirul, Sf. Efrem Sirul, Dionisie din Corint, Teofil al Antiohiei, Filip din Gortina, Sf. Ipolit Romanul, Clement al Alexandriei şi Origen.

Învăţăturile eretice ale lui Marcion

Esenţa învăţăturilor lui Marcion, cunoscute sub numele de marcionism, constă în recunoaşterea lui Iisus Hristos ca mântuitor trimis de Dumnezeu şi a Apostolului Pavel ca lider al apostolilor, dar şi în respingerea Bibliei ebraice şi a lui Iehova. Se insinuează astfel că Iisus a adus credinţa într-un nou Dumnezeu, diferit de cel descris în Vechiul Testament.

According to Marcion, the god of the Hebrew Bible was jealous, wrathful, and legalistic. The material world he created was defective, a place of suffering; the god who made such a world was the bungling or malicious demiurge. Jesus was not the Mesia promised by Judaism; that Messiah was to be a conqueror and a political leader. Rather, Jesus was sent by a god greater than the Creator. His role was to reveal the transcendent god of light and pure mind, different in character from the creator god of the Hebrew Bible. Jesus's god was free from passion and wrath, wholly benevolent; and Jesus was sent to lead believers out of subjection to the limited, wrathful creator god of the Old Testament.

Marcion produced the first Christian canon, or list of the books of the Bible that he considered authoritative. His list, however, was much smaller than that currently recognised as valid by most Christians: he included only the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, and ten of the epistles attributed to the Apostle Paul. (He omitted Paul's pastoral epistles, addressed to Timothy and Titus.) These books, according to Marcion, were the ones that contained the true teachings of St. Paul. He completely rejected the Old Testament, believing and teaching that it should not be part of the Christian Bible and was of no value to Christians.

Marcion's position is not identical to, but is closely related to, the various belief sets together called Gnosticism. In some sources, he is often reckoned among the Gnostics, but as the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd ed.) puts it, "it is clear that he would have had little sympathy with their mythological speculations" (p. 1034). Like the Gnostics, his Christology was Docetic.

His thinking, untenable to most Christians throughout history, shows the potential influence of Hellenistic philosophy on Christianity, and the moral critique of the Hebrew Bible from the ethics of Platonism. Marcion's proposed canon was a factor that led the orthodox Christian movement to formulate a canon of authoritative Scripture of its own, and which led to the current canon of the New Testament.

His writings have all been lost, but it is possible to reconstruct and deduce a large part of what he taught based on what other writers said concerning him, especially Tertullian. He was also known to have imposed a severe morality on his followers, some of whom suffered in the general persecutions of Christians.

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The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3rd ed.), pp. 1033-34

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