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Saint Justin was born to pious and God-fearing parents, [[Protopresbyter|Proto]] Spyridon and [[presbytera|Protinica]] Anastasia Popović, in Vranje, South Serbia, on the [[Annunciation|Feast of Annunciation]], [[March 25]], 1894 (April 7 by the [[New Calendar]]). At [[baptism]], he was given the name ''Blagoje'', after the Feast of the Annunciation (''Blagovest'' means ''Annunciation'' or ''Good News''). He was born into a priestly family, as seven previous generations of the Popovices (Popović in Serbian actually means "family or a son of a [[priest]]") were headed by priests.  
Sfântul Iustin s-a născut din părinții evalvioși și cu frică de Dumnezeu, [[protopop]]ul Spiridon și [[preoteasă|preoteasa]] Anastasia Popović, în Vranje, sudul Serbiei, de [[Bunavestire|sărbătoarea Buneivestiri]], [[25 martie]] 1894 (7 aprilie pe stil nou). La [[botez]], i s-a dat numele ''Blagoje'', după sărbătoarea Buneivestiri (''Blagovest'' înseamnă ''Bunavestire'' sau Veste bună''). S-a născut într-o familie preoțească, precum șapte generații anterioare de Popovici (Popović înseamnă de fapt în sârbă „familie sau fiul al unui [[preot]]) au fost conduse de preoți.  
Blagoje Popović completed the nine-years' studies at the Theological Faculty St. Sava in Belgrade in 1914. In the early twentieth century the School of St. Sava in Belgrade was renowned throughout the Orthodox world as a holy place of extreme [[asceticism]] as well as of a high quality of scholarship. Some of the well-known professors included the [[rector]], Fr. Domentian; Professor Fr. [[Dositej of Zagreb|Dositej]], later a [[martyr]]; and Dr. Atanasije Popović ; and the great ecclesiastical composer, Stevan Mokranjac. Yet one professor stood head and shoulders above the rest: the then [[Hieromonk]] [[Nikolai Velimirovic|Nikolai Velimirović]], Ph.D., the single most influential person in Fr. Justin's life.
Blagoje Popović a terminat studii ce au durat nouă ani la facultatea teologică Sf. Sava din Belgrad în 1914. La începutul secolului XX, școala Sf. Sava din Belgrad era renumită în lumea ortodoxă ca un loc sfânt cu [[asceză]] extremă, precum și cu o mare calitate a învățăturii. Unii dintre cei mai binecunoscuți profesori erau [[rector]]ul. Părintele Domentian; Părintele profesor [[Dositei de Zagreb|Dositei]], mai târziu [[mucenic]]; și Dr. Atanasije Popović; precum și marele compozitor bisericesc, Stevan Mokranjac. Cu toate acestea, un profesor stătea cap și umeri deasupra celorlalți: [[ieromonah]]ul de mai târziu [[Nicolae Velimirovici]], Ph.D., cea mai influentă persoană din viața Părintelui Iustin.  
During the early part of World War I, in autumn of 1914, Blagoje served as a student nurse primarily in South Serbia—Skadar, Niš, Kosovo, etc.  Unfortunately, while in this capacity, he contracted typhus during the winter of 1914 and had to spend over a month in a hospital in Niš. On [[January 8]], 1915, he resumed his duties sharing the destiny of the Serbian army, he passed a path of Golgotha from Peć to Skadar (along which 100,000 Serbian soldiers died) where on [[January 1]], 1916, he entered the [[monasticism|monastic order]] in the Orthodox [[cathedral]] of Skadar, and took the name of St. Justin, after the great Christian philosopher and [[martyr]] for Christ, St. [[Justin Martyr|Justin the Philosopher]].  
În timpul primei părți a Primului Război Mondial, în toamna anului 1914, Blagoje a slujit ca student îngrijitor, inițial în sudul Serbiei—Skadar, Niš, Kosovo, etc.  Din păcate, când avea aceasta sarcină, a contractat tifus în timpul iernii anului 1914 și a petrecut mai mult de o lună într-un spital din Niš. Pe [[8 ianuarie]] 1915, a reînceput a-și face datoria contribuind la destinul armatei sârbe. A avut un drum de Golgotă de la Peć la Skadar (de-a lungul căruia au murit 100,000 de sârbi), unde pe [[1 ianuarie]] 1916 a intrat în [[monahism|ordinul monahal]] al [[catedrală|catedralei]] ortodoxe din Skadar și a luat numele [[Iustin Martirul|Sf. Iustin Martirul și Filozoful]], care a fost un mare filozof creștin și [[mucenic]] pentru Hristos.  
Shortly after becoming a [[monk]], Father Justin, along with several other students, traveled to Petrograd, Russia, to begin a year's study in the Orthodox [[seminary]] there. It was here the young [[monk]] Justin first dedicated himself more fully to Orthodoxy and the monastic way.  He learned of the great ascetics of Russia: St. [[Anthony the Great]] and St. [[Theodosius of the Kiev Caves]] in Kiev, St. [[Seraphim of Sarov|Seraphim Sarovsky]], St. [[Sergius of Radonezh]], St. [[John of Kronstadt]], and others.
Shortly after becoming a [[monk]], Father Justin, along with several other students, traveled to Petrograd, Russia, to begin a year's study in the Orthodox [[seminary]] there. It was here the young [[monk]] Justin first dedicated himself more fully to Orthodoxy and the monastic way.  He learned of the great ascetics of Russia: St. [[Anthony the Great]] and St. [[Theodosius of the Kiev Caves]] in Kiev, St. [[Seraphim of Sarov|Seraphim Sarovsky]], St. [[Sergius of Radonezh]], St. [[John of Kronstadt]], and others.

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Sfântul Justin (Popovici) de Ćelije (1894-1979)

Cuviosul Iustin de Ćelije (cunoscut și ca Iustin Popovici; în chirilica sârbă, Јустин Поповић) (1894-1979) a fost teolog, campion, scriitor, critic al vieții pragmatice bisericești, filozof și arhimandrit al mănăstirii Ćelije, aflată aproape de Valjevo. A fost proslăvit oficial de Sfântul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Sârbe pe 2 mai 2010 și este pomenit în fiecare an pe 1 iunie.


Sfântul Iustin s-a născut din părinții evalvioși și cu frică de Dumnezeu, protopopul Spiridon și preoteasa Anastasia Popović, în Vranje, sudul Serbiei, de sărbătoarea Buneivestiri, 25 martie 1894 (7 aprilie pe stil nou). La botez, i s-a dat numele Blagoje, după sărbătoarea Buneivestiri (Blagovest înseamnă Bunavestire sau Veste bună). S-a născut într-o familie preoțească, precum șapte generații anterioare de Popovici (Popović înseamnă de fapt în sârbă „familie sau fiul al unui preot”) au fost conduse de preoți.

Blagoje Popović a terminat studii ce au durat nouă ani la facultatea teologică Sf. Sava din Belgrad în 1914. La începutul secolului XX, școala Sf. Sava din Belgrad era renumită în lumea ortodoxă ca un loc sfânt cu asceză extremă, precum și cu o mare calitate a învățăturii. Unii dintre cei mai binecunoscuți profesori erau rectorul. Părintele Domentian; Părintele profesor Dositei, mai târziu mucenic; și Dr. Atanasije Popović; precum și marele compozitor bisericesc, Stevan Mokranjac. Cu toate acestea, un profesor stătea cap și umeri deasupra celorlalți: ieromonahul de mai târziu Nicolae Velimirovici, Ph.D., cea mai influentă persoană din viața Părintelui Iustin.

În timpul primei părți a Primului Război Mondial, în toamna anului 1914, Blagoje a slujit ca student îngrijitor, inițial în sudul Serbiei—Skadar, Niš, Kosovo, etc. Din păcate, când avea aceasta sarcină, a contractat tifus în timpul iernii anului 1914 și a petrecut mai mult de o lună într-un spital din Niš. Pe 8 ianuarie 1915, a reînceput a-și face datoria contribuind la destinul armatei sârbe. A avut un drum de Golgotă de la Peć la Skadar (de-a lungul căruia au murit 100,000 de sârbi), unde pe 1 ianuarie 1916 a intrat în ordinul monahal al catedralei ortodoxe din Skadar și a luat numele Sf. Iustin Martirul și Filozoful, care a fost un mare filozof creștin și mucenic pentru Hristos.

Shortly after becoming a monk, Father Justin, along with several other students, traveled to Petrograd, Russia, to begin a year's study in the Orthodox seminary there. It was here the young monk Justin first dedicated himself more fully to Orthodoxy and the monastic way. He learned of the great ascetics of Russia: St. Anthony the Great and St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves in Kiev, St. Seraphim Sarovsky, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. John of Kronstadt, and others.

After his year's study and sojourn in Russia, Fr. Justin Popović entered, by the prompting of his older colleague, Fr. Nikolai Velimirovich later Bishop Nikolaj, the Theological School in Oxford, England. Justin attended the studies of theology at Oxford in the period 1916-1919, but his doctor's thesis under the title "Filozofija i religija F.M.Dostojevskog" (The Philosophy and Religion of F.M. Dostoevsky) was not accepted.

In 1923, Fr. Justin became the editor of the Orthodox journal The Christian Life; and in this journal appeared his first doctoral dissertation, "The Philosophy and Religion of Dostoevsky," for which he was persecuted at Oxford. Together with his fellow colleagues from the Oxford University he has edited the periodical The Christian Life for twenty years.

In 1926 he was promoted to the title of the Doctor of Theology at the Faculty of Theology, University in Athens (his dissertation being "Problem ličnosti i saznanja po Sv. Makariju Egipatskom", The Problem of Personality and Cognition According to St. Macarius of Egypt). For his course on the Lives of the Saints, Justin began to translate into Serbian the Lives of the Saints from the Greek, Syriac, and Slavonic sources, as well as numerous minor works of the Fathershomilies of Ss. John Chrysostom, Macarius, and Isaac of Syria. He also wrote an exquisite book, The Theory of Knowledge According to St. Isaac.

From 1930 until 1932 after a stint as Professor in the Theological Academy of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Prizren, he was an associate and escort of Bp. Joseph (Cvijovich) of Bitola in reorganizing the Church of the Carpatho-Russians in Czechoslovakia. This area had been besieged by those espousing Uniatism, where previously converted Christians of these regions started their conversion back into Orthodoxy.

Fr. Dr. Justin was chosen, in 1934, as Professor of Dogmatics at the Theological Faculty of St. Sava in Belgrade. As the professor at the University of Belgrade he was one of the founders (1938) of the Serbian Philosophical Society along with a number of noted intellectuals of Belgrade.

He was also the professor of Dogmatics at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade from 1934 until 1941, until the World War II. In 1945, within the perspective of the newly established communist and atheistic regime, the likes of a zealous Christian such as St. Justin, who was now beginning to convert the intellectuals to faith in Jesus Christ, had no place. Considered ineligible by the Communist party, together with a few fellow professors, he was ousted from the Faculty in 1945. As an ecclesiastical person and clergyman St. Justin spent 31 years in the Monastery Ćelije under the continuous surveillance of the Communist Party police.

Saint Justin of Ćelije fell asleep in the Lord on March 25, 1979, on his birthday, the Feast of the Annunciation (April 7 by the New Calendar).


Apolytikion in Tone One

Let us honor with splendor the divinely inspired theologian, the wise Serb Justin, who by the scythe of the Holy Spirit hath thrashed the error of atheism and the insolence of the Latins, being a mystic of the God-man and lover of piety, crying out: Glory to Christ Who hath glorified thee, glory to Him Who hath crowned thee, glory to Him Who hath rendered thee a luminary to those who are in a state of darkness.

Kontakion in Tone One

We proclaim to the faithful the inexhaustible fount conveying the Orthodox doctrines, and an angel-like man full of divine zeal, the divine Justin, the offspring of the Serbs, who by his sound teachings and writings hath strengthened the faith of all in the Lord.


"In Christianity truth is not a philosophical concept nor is it a theory, a teaching, or a system, but rather, it is the living theanthropic hypostasis—the historical Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Before Christ men could only conjecture about the Truth since they did not possess it. With Christ as the incarnate divine Logos the eternally complete divine Truth enters into the world. For this reason the Gospel says: "Truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17)."

Bibliografie selectată

  • "The Philosophy and Religion of F.M. Dostoevsky" (1923)
  • "Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church", I-III (1932, 1935, 1980)
  • "The Progress in the Death Mill" (1933)
  • "The Foundations of Theology" (1939)
  • "Dostoevsky on Europe and Slavism" (1940)
  • "Philosophical Abysses" (1957)
  • "The Man and the God-Man" (1969, in Greek)
  • "Hagiographies of the Saints", I-XII (1972-1977)
  • "The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism" (1974, in Greek and Serbian)


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