Iustin I: Diferență între versiuni

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'''Iustin I''' (în latină: ''Flavius Iustinus'') a fost împărat al Imperiului Roman de Răsărit între 518 şi 527. Desi aproape analfabet, el a trecut prin toate gradele armatei şi a devenit împărat la vârsta de şaptezeci de ani. Domnia sa este semnificativă prin faptul că a fost începutul dinastiei iustiniene, care a inclus pe succesorul şi nepotul său, [[Iustinian]] I, şi a restabilit sprijinul imperial faţă de deciziile [[Sinodul IV Ecumenic|Sinodului IV Ecumenic]] (Calcedon) la Constantinopol.
'''Iustin I''' (în latină: ''Flavius Iustinus'') a fost împărat al Imperiului Roman de Răsărit între 518 şi 527. Desi aproape analfabet, el a trecut prin toate gradele armatei şi a devenit împărat la vârsta de şaptezeci de ani. Domnia sa este semnificativă prin faptul că a marcat începutul dinastiei iustiniene, care a inclus pe succesorul şi nepotul său, [[Iustinian]] I, şi a restabilit sprijinul imperial faţă de deciziile [[Sinodul IV Ecumenic|Sinodului IV Ecumenic]] (de la Calcedon).
Iustin was born about the year 450 in the province of Dardania which was part of the diocese of Dacia. Dacia, with Macedonia, made up the prefecture of Illyricum, an area that suffered under attacks by Huns and Ostrogoths. He was of peasant origin, born in a village in Naissus (modern Nis in South Serbia). As a teenager he fled the border warfare and took refuge in Constantinople where he joined the army.  
Iustin s-a născut în jurul anului 450, în provincia Dardania, care făcea parte din dioceza [[Dacia|Daciei]]. În acea perioadă, Dacia şi Macedonia erau incluse în prefectura Illyricum, o parte a imperiului care suferise mult din cauza năvălirilor hunilor şi, mai apoi, a ostrogoţilor. Iustin era fiul unui ţăran din Naissus (actualul oraş Niş, din Serbia). Pe când era doar adolescent, a părăsit acea zonă de frontieră şi s-a refugiat la [[Constantinopol]], unde a intrat în armată.
He arrived in Constantinople at the time emperor Leo I was organizing a new corps of palace guards, the ''Excubitors''. Apparently showing great competence Justin rose to be the commander of the ''Excubitors'' at the time emperor Anastastius died on [[July 8]], 518. Commanding the only forces in Constantinople at the time of Anastastius’ death, and by spreading some gifts of money, Justin was able to win election as emperor and was presented to the people at the Hippodrome on [[July 9]].
El a sosit la Constantinopol chiar în perioada în care împăratul [[Leo I]] organiza un nou corp de gardă a palatului imperial: ''Excubitors''.  
Apparently showing great competence Justin rose to be the commander of the ''Excubitors'' at the time emperor Anastastius died on [[July 8]], 518. Commanding the only forces in Constantinople at the time of Anastastius’ death, and by spreading some gifts of money, Justin was able to win election as emperor and was presented to the people at the Hippodrome on [[July 9]].
On ascending the throne, and recognizing his lack of knowledge of statecraft, Justin surrounded himself with knowledgeable and trusted advisors. Among these was his nephew Flavius Petrus Sabbatius whom he adopted as his son with the name Iustinianus (Justinian). Throughout the reign of his adoptive father, Justinian worked closely with Justin in what came to appear as a seamless transition upon Justin’s death on [[August 1]], 527 although Justin formally named Justinian his co-emperor and successor on [[April 1]], 527, only four months before his death.  
On ascending the throne, and recognizing his lack of knowledge of statecraft, Justin surrounded himself with knowledgeable and trusted advisors. Among these was his nephew Flavius Petrus Sabbatius whom he adopted as his son with the name Iustinianus (Justinian). Throughout the reign of his adoptive father, Justinian worked closely with Justin in what came to appear as a seamless transition upon Justin’s death on [[August 1]], 527 although Justin formally named Justinian his co-emperor and successor on [[April 1]], 527, only four months before his death.  

Versiunea de la data 28 decembrie 2009 08:32

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Iustin I (în latină: Flavius Iustinus) a fost împărat al Imperiului Roman de Răsărit între 518 şi 527. Desi aproape analfabet, el a trecut prin toate gradele armatei şi a devenit împărat la vârsta de şaptezeci de ani. Domnia sa este semnificativă prin faptul că a marcat începutul dinastiei iustiniene, care a inclus pe succesorul şi nepotul său, Iustinian I, şi a restabilit sprijinul imperial faţă de deciziile Sinodului IV Ecumenic (de la Calcedon).


Iustin s-a născut în jurul anului 450, în provincia Dardania, care făcea parte din dioceza Daciei. În acea perioadă, Dacia şi Macedonia erau incluse în prefectura Illyricum, o parte a imperiului care suferise mult din cauza năvălirilor hunilor şi, mai apoi, a ostrogoţilor. Iustin era fiul unui ţăran din Naissus (actualul oraş Niş, din Serbia). Pe când era doar adolescent, a părăsit acea zonă de frontieră şi s-a refugiat la Constantinopol, unde a intrat în armată.

El a sosit la Constantinopol chiar în perioada în care împăratul Leo I organiza un nou corp de gardă a palatului imperial: Excubitors.

Apparently showing great competence Justin rose to be the commander of the Excubitors at the time emperor Anastastius died on July 8, 518. Commanding the only forces in Constantinople at the time of Anastastius’ death, and by spreading some gifts of money, Justin was able to win election as emperor and was presented to the people at the Hippodrome on July 9.

On ascending the throne, and recognizing his lack of knowledge of statecraft, Justin surrounded himself with knowledgeable and trusted advisors. Among these was his nephew Flavius Petrus Sabbatius whom he adopted as his son with the name Iustinianus (Justinian). Throughout the reign of his adoptive father, Justinian worked closely with Justin in what came to appear as a seamless transition upon Justin’s death on August 1, 527 although Justin formally named Justinian his co-emperor and successor on April 1, 527, only four months before his death.

Politica religioasă

As a defender of the decisions of the 451 Council at Chalcedon, Justin’s ascent to the throne brought a complete reversal in policies concerning the Christian Church in Constantinople, as he rejected Anastasius’ support of the non-Chalcedonians. As a consequence the Monophysites came under attack and persecution as Justin’s government sought to quickly restore church life as defined by Chalcedon.

The bishops of the Constantinople region were called to a synod in Constantinople on July 20, 518 that pronounced anathema against Severus of Antioch and others. The decrees of the synod were promulgated to the bishops by letter from Patriarch John of Constantinople. When Pope Hormisdas received notification of the new events, he replied with a non-negotiable position that called for condemnation of Acacius, the Patriarch of Alexandria who had written the Henoticon and caused the ‘Acacian Schism’ during the reign of Zeno I, his heretical successors, all hierarchs who remained in communion with him, and the emperors Zeno and Anastasius. Patr. John under pressure signed the papal libellus in the presence of Emperor Justin, the senate, and the clergy on March 28, 519.

Hormisdas’ extreme position effectively meant excommunication of all the bishops in the east after 484. However, resistance to the papal position soon came and thwarted its implementation that proved, if anything, the futility of Hormisdas’ policy of intransigence in the face of the problem with the Monophysites.

The persecution of Monophysites continued until 520, after which Justin began to follow a more tolerant and pragmatic policy when dealing with the heresy, yet he remained devoted to the Chalcedonian orthodoxy.

Justin’s support of orthodoxy also resulted in a change in Constantinople’s relationship with the Arian Ostrogoths of the west who had an amicable arrangement with Anastasius. While Justin responded positively to the Gothic king Theodoric’s approach for maintaining good relations, and even nominated as consul Theodoric’s son-in-law, Eutharic, Justin’s anti-heretical policies affected the Arians greatly, particularly after 523. Using the threat of reprisals against the Orthodox in Italy, Theodoric sent Pope John to Justin to complain about Justin’s policies. Pope John was received cordially, yet Justin made clear who was in charge. Not happy with the results of John’s visit, Theodoric received John with a cold reception on his return to Ravenna. Both Pope John and Theodoric died soon after, blunting the dispute.

Casetă de succesiune:
Iustin I
Precedat de:
Eastern Roman (Byzantine)

Urmat de:
Iustinian I


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