Ipolit Romanul: Diferență între versiuni

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A fost un discipol al lui [[Irineu de Lyon]], iar după întâlnirea sa cu [[Origen]] a preluat multe şi din învăţăturile acestuia.
A fost un discipol al lui [[Irineu de Lyon]], iar după întâlnirea sa cu [[Origen]] a preluat multe şi din învăţăturile acestuia.
Din analiza operei sale principale ''Philosophoumena'', se pare că Ipolit era deja [[preot]] în Roma în perioada în care [[Victor]] era [[episcop]] al Romei. Ipolit se remarca printre ceilalţi preoţi prin cultură, elocvenţă, zel, seriozitate şi morală. A devenit episcop, aşa cum relatează [[Eusebiu de Cezareea]] şi [[Ieronim]] (dar care nu specifică în care oraş anume a fost episcop Ipolit). Poetul roman Prudentius spune că Ipolit era episcop de Portus (portul Romei la Marea Mediterană în acel timp).
From the details of his work, ''Philosophoumena'' Hippolytus apparently was in Rome during the time [[Victor I al Romei|Victor]] was the [[bishop]] of Rome. At the beginning of the third century he was a priest noted for his learning, eloquence, zeal, and moral earnestness. He was also noted to be a bishop of an unspecified city by [[Eusebiu de Cezareea]] and [[Ieronim]] and by the poet Prudentius as bishop of Portus, a port for Rome.
The ''Philosophoumena'', that is a part of his larger work "Refutation of All Heresies", shows that he dissented from the compassionate views of Bps. Zephyrinus, whom he considered to be a weak man "unskilled the church's rule", and [[‎Callistus I of Rome]] concerning the reception of backsliders and heretics who had repented. In the "Refutation of All Heresies" Hippolytus set out to refute the doctrines of the Gnostics and condemn [[heretic]]s by showing that their views were taken from pagan philosophy and oriental theosophy.
The ''Philosophoumena'', that is a part of his larger work "Refutation of All Heresies", shows that he dissented from the compassionate views of Bps. Zephyrinus, whom he considered to be a weak man "unskilled the church's rule", and [[‎Callistus I of Rome]] concerning the reception of backsliders and heretics who had repented. In the "Refutation of All Heresies" Hippolytus set out to refute the doctrines of the Gnostics and condemn [[heretic]]s by showing that their views were taken from pagan philosophy and oriental theosophy.

Versiunea de la data 17 ianuarie 2011 21:32

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Sfântul Sfinţit Mucenic Ipolit Romanul a fost un preot şi scriitor bisericesc din secolul al treilea. El este considerat a fi fost „antipapă” al Bisericii de la Roma, între anii 217 - 235. Se numără printre cei mai importanţi teologi creştini ai acelor timpuri. Prăznuirea sa este pe 30 ianuarie.


Ipolit s-a născut în jurul anului 170. Nu se cunosc prea multe despre începuturile vieţii sale. Deşi limba sa maternă era greaca, el a trăit la Roma încă din tinereţe.

A fost un discipol al lui Irineu de Lyon, iar după întâlnirea sa cu Origen a preluat multe şi din învăţăturile acestuia.

Din analiza operei sale principale Philosophoumena, se pare că Ipolit era deja preot în Roma în perioada în care Victor era episcop al Romei. Ipolit se remarca printre ceilalţi preoţi prin cultură, elocvenţă, zel, seriozitate şi morală. A devenit episcop, aşa cum relatează Eusebiu de Cezareea şi Ieronim (dar care nu specifică în care oraş anume a fost episcop Ipolit). Poetul roman Prudentius spune că Ipolit era episcop de Portus (portul Romei la Marea Mediterană în acel timp).

The Philosophoumena, that is a part of his larger work "Refutation of All Heresies", shows that he dissented from the compassionate views of Bps. Zephyrinus, whom he considered to be a weak man "unskilled the church's rule", and ‎Callistus I of Rome concerning the reception of backsliders and heretics who had repented. In the "Refutation of All Heresies" Hippolytus set out to refute the doctrines of the Gnostics and condemn heretics by showing that their views were taken from pagan philosophy and oriental theosophy.

Hippolytus also came into conflict with the opinions of the bishops of Rome on christological issues of the day to such an extant that came to allow himself to be elected a rival bishop of Rome, the first antipope.

Under the persecutions of emperor Maximinus Thrax Hippolytus was exiled to Sardinia in 235 where he died, reportedly a mucenic. His body was returned to Rome and interred in a cemetery on the Via Tiburtina. By about 255, he was considered a martyred priest by the Church, indicating that he had been reconciled with the Church and not considered a schismatic.


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