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Sfânta Mironosiţă Ioana, soţia lui Huza, the steward-administrator of King Herod Antipas, is listed in Luca 8, 3 as one of the women who followed Hristos from Galilee and supported pe ucenici, along with Susanna, Maria Magdalena, and others. In Luca 23, 55 - 24, 11, we have the story of how these same women went to the tomb to finish the job of embalming Jesus' body, which was hastily begun by Iosif și Nicodim. They were perplexed when they found the tomb empty except for the grave clothes. The angel appeared unto them and proclaimed the Resurrection. They believed and became the first evangelists of the risen Christ. The Church celebrates her feast day on 27 iunie, as well as on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers.


Condac (glasul al 4-lea) [1]:

When thou didst speak to the myrrh-bearing women with joy,
thou didst end the wailing of Eve the first mother, by thy Resurrection,
commanding thy disciples to proclaim that the Savior is risen from the tomb.

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