Duminica Fiului Risipitor: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 5: Linia 5:
On this Sunday in the preparation for Great Lent, Orthodox Christians are read [[Hristos]]’s parable about God's loving forgiveness ([[Evanghelia după Luca|Luca]] 15:11-24).  They are to see themselves as being  in a foreign country far from the Father's house and to make the movement of return to [[God]], where we truly belong.  The parable gives assurance that the Father will receive them with joy and gladness in their journey through Great Lent, their journey home.
On this Sunday in the preparation for Great Lent, Orthodox Christians are read [[Hristos]]’s parable about God's loving forgiveness ([[Evanghelia după Luca|Luca]] 15:11-24).  They are to see themselves as being  in a foreign country far from the Father's house and to make the movement of return to [[God]], where we truly belong.  The parable gives assurance that the Father will receive them with joy and gladness in their journey through Great Lent, their journey home.
===Citiri din [[Sfânta Scriptură|Scriptură]]===
:La [[Utrenie]], [[Evanghelia]] Învierii, care va fi de rând.
:La [[Sfânta Liturghie|Liturghie]]: [[Epistola I către Corinteni|I Corinteni]] [http://bibliaortodoxa.ro/carte.php?id=12&cap=6#12-20 6, 12-20]; [[Evanghelia după Luca|Luca]] [http://bibliaortodoxa.ro/carte.php?id=48&cap=15#11-32 15, 11-32]

Versiunea de la data 1 ianuarie 2009 19:59

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Parabola Fiului Fisipitor

Duminica Fiului Fisipitor este a doua duminică de dinaintea Postului Mare, din săptămânile pregătitoare ale Postului Mare. Este duminica de după Duminica Vameşului şi Fariseului şi este înainte de Duminica Înfricoşatei Judecăţi. Aceată perioadă de dinainte de Postul Mare este începutul ciclului pascal de cult din Biserica Ortodoxă.

On this Sunday in the preparation for Great Lent, Orthodox Christians are read Hristos’s parable about God's loving forgiveness (Luca 15:11-24). They are to see themselves as being in a foreign country far from the Father's house and to make the movement of return to God, where we truly belong. The parable gives assurance that the Father will receive them with joy and gladness in their journey through Great Lent, their journey home.

Citiri din Scriptură

La Utrenie, Evanghelia Învierii, care va fi de rând.
La Liturghie: I Corinteni 6, 12-20; Luca 15, 11-32


Condac (Glasul 3)

I have recklessly forgotten Your glory, O Father;
And among sinners I have scattered the riches which You had given me.
Therefore, I cry to You like the Prodigal:
"I have sinned before You, O compassionate Father;
Receive me a penitent and make me as one of Your hired servants."

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