Clement Romanul

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Versiunea din 26 iunie 2010 13:59, autor: Inistea (Discuție | contribuții) (Viața)
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Clement, episcop al Romei

Cel întru sfinţi părintele nostru Clement Romanul (uneori numit Clement al Romei) a fost al treilea episcop al Romei după Apostolul Petru. Clement este cunoscut mai ales pentru Scrisoarea sa către Corinteni, scrisă în 95 sau 96 d.Hr. Este socotit un părinte apostolic. Prăznuirea lui se face la 23 noiembrie în Occident și la 25 noiembrie în Orient.


Se cunosc puține lucruri despre viața sfântului Clement. What is known is from writers who wrote over a hundred years after his death, often inconsistently, and with great variety. These writers include Tertullian, Ieronim, Irenaeus, Epiphanius, and Eusebiu. His birth date is not known. He may have met Ss Peter and Paul and may have been ordained by St Peter. There are confusing propositions that associate him with the Clement in Paul’s letters (Phil. 4:3 (KJV)) and to a consul T. Flavius Clemens associations that now are considered not probable.

Clement is believed to have been named bishop of Rome in about 88 and held the position until about 98, when he died. These dates are also uncertain. Early sources noted that he died a natural death, perhaps in Greece. A tradition dated from the ninth century tells of his martyrdom in Crimea in 102 by drowning when thrown overboard from a boat with a ship’s anchor tied to him.


The letter sent in about the year 96 to the Church of Corinth in the name of the Church of Rome has been attributed to Clement. The letter was sent in an attempt to restore peace and unity in the Corinthian church, where apparently a few violent people had revolted against the leadership of the church community.

A second letter to the Corinthians had also been attributed to Clement based upon its inclusion in a Greek manuscript that included Clement’s first letter, with the title of “Second Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians.” But, when a missing ending to the “letter” was found, it proved to be a homily of unknown authorship.


Troparul Sfinţilor Clement Romanul şi Petru al Alexandriei, glasul al 4-lea:

Dumnezeul Părinţilor noştri, care faci pururea cu noi după blândeţile Tale, nu depărta mila Ta de la noi, ci, pentru rugăciunile lor, în pace ocârmuieşte viaţa noastră.

Condacul Sfinţilor Ierarhi, glasul al 4-lea:

Ca cei ce sunteţi turnuri neclintite şi dumnezeieşti ale Bisericii, stâlpi de Dumnezeu însufleţiţi şi puternici ai dreptei credinţe, Clement şi Petru, prealăudaţilor, ocrotiţi pe toţi cu mijlocirile voastre!

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Casetă de succesiune:
Clement Romanul
Precedat de:
Sf. Anacletus (Cletus)
Pope of Rome
Urmat de:
Sf. Evaristus