Biserici Orientale Ortodoxe: Diferență între versiuni

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#REDIRECT [[Biserici Vechi-Orientale]]
Termenul  """"Ortodox  Oriental"""" se referă la bisericile de tradiţie Creştină Răsăriteană care ţin credinţa după doar primele trei [[Sinoade Ecumenice]] ale [[Bisericii Ortodoxe]]- sinoadele [[Sinodul Întâi Ecumenic|Întâi de la Niceea]], [[Al Doilea Sinod Ecumenic|Întâi de la Constantinopol]] şi [[Al Treilea Sinod Ecumenic|de la Efes]]. Bisericile Ortodoxe Orientale resping [[dogma|definirile dogmatice]] ale sinodului [[Al Patrulea Sinod Ecumenic|de la Calcedon]].
Astfel, în ciuda denumirilor asemănătoare, Bisericile Ortodoxe Orientale sunt deosebite de de bisericile cunoscute, de obicei, sub numele de „[[Biserica Ortodoxă|Ortodoxia Răsăriteană]]”.
Bisericile Ortodoxe Orientale s-au [[schisma|despărţit]] de celelate biserici [[Creştine]] în secolul al V-lea. Separarea a apărut în parte din refuzul bisericilor Ortodoxe Orientale de acceptare a [[dogma|dogmei]] [[dogma Hristologică|Hristologice]] promulgate de [[Al Patrulea Sinod Ecumenic|Sinodul de la Calcedon]], care spunea că [[Iisus Hristos]] are două [[fire|naturi]] – una divină şi una umană, cu toate că acestea sunt inseparabile şi acţionează ca o singură [[ipostază]]. Pentru [[episcop|ierarhii]] care păstoreau Ortodoxia Orientală, aceasta era egal cu acceptarea [[nestorianism|nestorianismului]]. În replică, ei susţineau o formulă care accentua unitatea [[Întrupării]] dincolo de orice alte considerente. Bisericile Ortodoxe Orientale sunt deseori numite biserici [[Monofizite]], deşi ele resping această etichetă, care este asociată cu [[Euticianism|Monofizismul Euticianist]], folosind în schimb termenul de biserici „non-Calcedoniene” sau „Miafizite”. Creştinii Ortodocşi Orientali au anatemizat învăţăturile monofizite ale lui [[Euticie]]. Mai sunt cunoscute şi sub numele de “anti-Calcedoniene”.
In the 20th century, a number of dialogues have occurred between the Oriental Orthodox and the Chalcedonian Orthodox which suggest that both communions now share a common [[Christology]] with differing terminology. As yet, [[full communion]] has not been restored. There have also been some agreed Christological statements issued in conjunction with the [[Roman Catholic Church]] and the Eastern Orthodox (Chalcedonian) family (Ecumenical Patriarchate and official representatives of other Eastern Orthodox Churches) [].
== Oriental Orthodox Communion ==
The Oriental Orthodox Communion is a group of churches within Oriental Orthodoxy which are in [[full communion]] with each other [].  The communion includes:
* The [[Church of Armenia]] (Armenian Apostolic Church)
* The [[Church of Antioch (Syriac)]] (Syriac Orthodox, "Jacobite")
** [[Malankara Jacobite Syriac Orthodox Church]], a branch and an integral part of the Syriac Orthodox Church with the Oriental Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch as its supreme head
* The [[Church of Alexandria (Coptic)]]
** The [[British Orthodox Church (Coptic)|British Orthodox Church]], canonically part of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria since 1994
* The [[Church of Ethiopia]] (Tewahedo Church)
* The [[Church of Eritrea]] (Tewahedo Church)
* The [[Church of India]] (Malankara, Indian Orthodox, Orthodox Syrian Church of the East)
== Assyrian Church of the East ==
The [[Assyrian Church of the East]] is sometimes considered an Oriental Orthodox Church, although it is not in communion with Oriental Orthodox churches and they have a [[Nestorianism|Nestorian]] or Nestorian-like [[Christology]] that differs from the declaration of the [[Fourth Ecumenical Council|Council of Chalcedon]] in an opposite way from the [[Miaphysitism|Miaphysites]]. By the time of the Monophysite controversy, the Assyrians had already separated from the Orthodox Church with the [[Third Ecumenical Council|Council of Ephesus]].
==External links==
*[ Oriental Orthodox Churches]
*[ The Armenian Apostolic Church]
*[ Common declaration of Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I Iwas]
*[ The Coptic Church in the Diaspora]
*[ The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church]
*[ Saint Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox Church (Alexandria, Egypt)]
*[ Website on the unity between Oriental and Eastern Orthodox Churches]
*[ Oriental Orthodox Churches]
*[ Shroro - The Syriac Orthodox Christian Digest]
*[ Why I Am Oriental Orthodox Instead of Byzantine Orthodox]
*[ ''The Nature of Christ''] (PDF) by Pope [[Shenouda III (Gayyid) of Alexandria]]
*[ Eastern-Oriental Orthodox Unity - Official Satements]
*A case against reunion is made by this article: [ Opposition to Union with the Oriental Churches and the Unresolved Theological Differences Between the Two]
*[ Oriental Orthodox Library]
*[ Oriental Orthodox Iconographer]
[[Category:Oriental Orthodox|*]]
[[ar:الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية]]

Versiunea curentă din 6 iulie 2009 00:45

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