Biserica Ortodoxă a Georgiei: Diferență între versiuni

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Stimata Doamna, Draga Domnule,
{{Traducere EN}}
frati crestini, hai cu noi sa salvam viata semenilor in nevoi!
Ma numesc Ganea Mihai, medic si presedinte al Fundatiei Transilvania si al Clinicii acesteia din Romania.  Va scriu in numele fundatiei, al clinicii si al persoanelor in suferinta de care ne preocupam. Dupa revolutia din decembrie 1989, am infiintat aceasta fundatie si clinica si de atunci mi-am dedicat activitatea, in totalitate, in folosul nevoiasilor si bolnavilor lipsiti de mijloace materiale si financiare. De atunci sunt preocupat permanent de activitatea umanitara pusa in slujba copiilor abandonati, adultilor si batranilor in dificultate si bolnavi, unii cu boli incurabile. Persoanele care se afla in situatie dificila sunt multe la numar in Romania, si de o parte dintre acestea se ocupa organizatia noastra, impreuna cu clinica, care asigura ingrijirea, educarea si tratamentul celor bolnavi. Nimic nu este pierdut, daca exista speranta!
[[Image:Patriarchate_of_Georgia.gif|right|The Church of Georgia]]
In paralel cu aceasta activitate, Fundatia Transilvania este preocupata de cercetarea in domeniul medicinei, si sprijina cu tehnica medicala spitalele din Romania in functie cu aparatura primita de la sponsori si donatori, de pretutindeni. Pentru sustinerea intregii activitati sociale-medicale si de cercetare, avem nevoie urgent de ajutoare in bani si bunuri - echipamente si tehnica medicala de orice natura, medicamente, asistenta medicala mobila (masini), imbracaminte si incaltaminte pentru copii si adulti, alimente, computere si televizoare. Ajuta, semenii care plang, viseaza si spera la vindecarea durerilor cauzate de afectiuni grave!
The '''Church of Georgia''' is one of the oldest Christian Churches, tracing its origins in tradition to the [[missionary]] efforts of the [[Apostle Andrew]] in the first century. Historically, adoption of Christianity by the kingdom of Georgia (Iberia) is traced to the missionary efforts of St. [[Nino of Cappadocia]] beginning in early fourth century. Initially, the Georgian [[church]] was part of the territory of the [[Patriarchate of Antioch]]. The church was granted [[autocephaly]] by the Patriarch of Antioch in 466. While seriously disrupted by the invasions of the various tartar tribes in the 13 and 15th centuries the autocephalous church survived until it was placed under the administration of the synodal [[Church of Russia]] in 1811. After the abdication of Czar [[Nicholas II of Russia|Nicholas II]] following the 1917 February Revolution, the Georgian [[hierarch]]s restored autocephaly that was eventually recognized by the [[Church of Constantinople]] and the [[Church of Russia]].
Fundatia Transilvania lanseaza un apel umanitar catre persoanele fizice, companii si marile concerne, banci, fundatii, voluntari, oameni de afaceri sau alte persoane bine intenţionate care doresc să ajute prin donatii si sponsorizari activitatea umanitara desfasurata de fundatia si clinica noastra. In spiritul credintei, omeniei si solidaritatii, va adresam si dumneavoastra  invitatia si rugamintea sa veniti in sprijinul nostru. Contributia dumneavoastra, mica sau mare, va bucura, va vindeca, va salva una sau mai multe vieti ale celor aflati in dificultate de forta majora. Orice cent este important pentru fundatia si clinica noastra. In spiritul  solidaritatii, al credintei si al omeniei va rog din tot sufletul sa veniti in sprijinul fundatiei si al clinicii cu ce doriti si cu ce puteti dumneavoastra. Este momentul sa dovedim ca ne pasa de semenii nostri care nu mai au nici o speranta !
name=Patriarchate of Georgia|
founder= [[Apostles]] [[Apostle Andrew|Andrew]], [[Apostle Simon|Simon the Canaanite]]|
independence=Antioch in 486, Russia in 1917|
recognition= 486, again 1990 |
primate=[[Ilia II (Gudushauri-Shiolashvili) of Georgia|Patr. Ilia II]]|
hq=Tbilisi, Georgia|
territory=Georgia, Armenia|
possessions= Great Britain, Western Europe, Turkey, Azerbaijan|
music=[[Georgian Chant]]|
calendar=[[Julian Calendar]]|
website=[ Church of Georgia]
Va rugam tare mult, sa veniti in sprijinul nostru in functie de cum va dicteaza constiinta, in functie de posibilitatile dumneavoastra personale, ale companiei sau ale organizatiei, ori ale institutiei unde lucrati dumneavoastra. Va rugam, ganditi-va doar o clipa la copiii, adultii si batranii in suferinta, care au nevoie de ajutor, si faceti o bucurie acestora. Avem nevoie urgent de fonduri si bunuri, contam in sprijinul dvs., chiar daca acesta este mic sau mare, donati si dumneavoastra cat puteti si nu veti regreta. Veniti alaturi de noi ca sponsor, donator sau fondator, avem nevoie de ajutorul dvs. Asteptam un semn bun si va multumim din tot sufletul. Daruieste si vei primi inzecit.  Asa sa ne ajute bunul Dumnezeu!
==Ancient origins==
Frati crestini, va adresez acest apel in numele semenilor napastuiti de care se ocupa fundatia, toti oameni de buna credinta in ideea de a va cere un real sprijin nu numai in numele nostru ci si in numele spirtualitatii omenesti. Fundatia Transilvania face apel la toti cetatenii, din tara si din toata lumea, sa sprijine programele de asistenta sociala si medicala a persoanelor abandonate vârstnice si copii aflate în deriva. Nu conteaza ce si cât daruiesti. Arata ca îti pasa de semenii in suferinta! De la suflet pentru suflet: ajutati-ne sa-i ajutam pe oamenii in nevoi, aflati in dificultate! Pentru detalii si coordonate va rugam vizitati site-ul oficial al fundatiei
According to tradition the Apostle Andrew, the First Called, preached in Georgia in the first century. Tradition relates that he came with the Holy Mother's Uncreated Icon, that is the icon of the [[Theotokos]] not made by human hands. This tradition introduced a deep affection for the Theotokos into Georgian conscientiousness. Additionally, tradition speaks to preaching by other [[apostles]] in Georgia including Simon the Canaanite, Matthias, Bartholomew, and Thaddeus. The establishment of the first Georgian [[eparchy]] ([[diocese]]) was also credited to the Apostle Andrew.  si apoi asteptam sa intindeti o mana de ajutor cauzei semenilor in dificultate.
Va multumim din suflet.
The active history of Christianity in Georgia begins with the missionary activities of [[Nino of Cappadocia]] beginning in 303. By 317 her message reached the rulers of the eastern and western kingdoms of Georgia when King Miriam II of Iberia (Eastern Georgia) and Queen Nana of Western Georgia adopted Christianity as the state religion. The Christianization of Georgia progressed over the next several centuries.
Asteptam un semn bun de la dumneavoastra..  
Cu respect si consideratie,
As part of the late Roman (Byzantine) Empire Georgian Christianity was heavily influenced by its form of practice. Initially, the churches in Georgia were part of the Apostolic See of Antioch. The Church of Georgia became [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] when the Patriarch of Antioch elevated the [[bishop]] of Mtskheta to the honor of Catholicos of Kastli in 466, an elevation recognized by the rest of the Church. Subsequently, the Catholicos was given the added title of [[Patriarch]] in 1010, making the title of the primate of the Georgian Church the  Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia.
Ganea Mihai, Presedinte
Vasile Grigoras, Director
The invasions of the tartars in the 13th and 15th centuries greatly disrupted Christianity and the government of Georgia. The state as well as the church were divided into two separate parts, in which the churches were governed by two separate Catholicos-Patriarchs. In 1801, Eastern Georgia, that is Kartli-Kakheti, was annexed by the Czar of Russia. By 1811, the Church in Georgia was absorbed into the Synodal Church of Russia, ending autocephaly for the Georgian church.
Tel. 0740 984 119
==Recent history==
As the Russian Empire began to dissolve after the abdication of Czar Nicholas II following the 1917 February Revolution, the Georgian hierarchs unilaterally announced restoration of autocephaly. While not accepted by the Church of Russia, the Soviet forces went further, regarding all Orthodox in Soviet territory to be subjected to their rule. Thus, the Church in Georgia was harassed and churches and other church activities were closed. [[Clergy]], [[monk]]s, and Christians in general were killed in the ensuing purges of the next several decades.
With recognition of the Orthodox Church by Stalin after the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, to gain support of the Church for repulsing the invasion, the autocephaly of the Church of Georgia was recognized in 1943 by the Church of Russia. Then, in 1989, autocephaly was recognized by the [[Patriarch of Constantinople]], thus approving the ''de facto'' autocephaly exercised since the fifth century.
With the downfall of the Soviet Union and the resulting independence of the country of Georgia, a great revival has taken place for the Church of Georgia. As of 2002, more than eighty percent of the population of Georgia has identified themselves as Orthodox Christians. The church itself was organized into 33 [[diocese]]s, with 512 churches. The church in Georgia of some 3.5 million people was served by 730 [[priest]]s.
===Primatial title===
The full title of the [[primate]] of the Church of Georgia is: "His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-[[Patriarch]] of all Georgia, [[Archbishop]] of Mtskheta and Tbilisi" (Georgian: უწმიდესი დ�? უნეტ�?რესი, სრული�?დ ს�?ქ�?რთველ�?ს კ�?თ�?ლიკ�?ს-პ�?ტრი�?რქი, მცხეთ�?-თბილისის მთ�?ვ�?რეპისკ�?პ�?სი)
====Recent  Catholicos-Patriarchs of All Georgia====
* Kirion II  - (1917-1918)
* Leonide  -  (1918-1921)
* Ambrosi  -  (1921-1927)
* Christefore III  -  (1927-1932)
* Kalistrare  -  (1932-1952)
* Melkisedek III  -  (1952-1960)
* Eprem II  -  (1960-1072)
* David V  -  (1972-1977)
* Ilia II  -  (1977 to present)—
===Dioceses of Georgia===
* Dioceses in Georgia
** [[Diocese of Mtskheta and Tbilisi]]
** [[Diocese of Alaverdi]]
** [[Diocese of Akhalkalaki and Kumurdo]]
** [[Diocese of Batumi and Skhalta]]
** [[Diocese of Bodbe]]
** Diocese of Bolnisi
** Diocese of Borjomi and Bakuriani
** Diocese  of Chiatura
** Diocese of Chqondidi
** Diocese  of Dmanisi
** Diocese of Khoni and Samtredia
** Diocese of Kutais-Gaenati
** Diocese of Manglisi and Tsalka
** Diocese of Margveti and Ubisa
** Diocese of Mestia and Svaneti
** Diocese of Nikortsminda
** Diocese of Nikozi and Tskhinvali
** Diocese of Poti and Khobi
** Diocese of Rustavi and Marneuli
** Diocese of Samtavisi and Gori
** Diocese of Senaki and Chkhorotsqu
** Diocese of Shemokmedi
** Diocese of Stephantsminda and Khevi
** Diocese of Tsageri and Lentekhi
** Diocese of Tsilkani and Dusheti
** Diocese of Tskhum-Apkhazeti
** Diocese of Urbnisi and Ruisi
** Diocese of Vani and Bagdati
** Diocese of Zugdidi and Tsaishi
* Dioceses partly abroad Georgia
** Diocese of Akhaltsikhe, Tao-Klarjeti and Lazeti (partly in Turkey)
** Diocese of Nekresi and Hereti (partly in Azerbaijan)
* Dioceses abroad Georgia
** Diocese of Agaraki and Tashiri (Armenia)
** Diocese of West Europe (Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria)
==External links==
* [    Website of the Church of Georgia]
* [[Wikipedia:Church of Georgia]]

Versiunea de la data 17 aprilie 2007 21:02

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The Church of Georgia

The Church of Georgia is one of the oldest Christian Churches, tracing its origins in tradition to the missionary efforts of the Apostle Andrew in the first century. Historically, adoption of Christianity by the kingdom of Georgia (Iberia) is traced to the missionary efforts of St. Nino of Cappadocia beginning in early fourth century. Initially, the Georgian church was part of the territory of the Patriarchate of Antioch. The church was granted autocephaly by the Patriarch of Antioch in 466. While seriously disrupted by the invasions of the various tartar tribes in the 13 and 15th centuries the autocephalous church survived until it was placed under the administration of the synodal Church of Russia in 1811. After the abdication of Czar Nicholas II following the 1917 February Revolution, the Georgian hierarchs restored autocephaly that was eventually recognized by the Church of Constantinople and the Church of Russia.


Ancient origins

According to tradition the Apostle Andrew, the First Called, preached in Georgia in the first century. Tradition relates that he came with the Holy Mother's Uncreated Icon, that is the icon of the Theotokos not made by human hands. This tradition introduced a deep affection for the Theotokos into Georgian conscientiousness. Additionally, tradition speaks to preaching by other apostles in Georgia including Simon the Canaanite, Matthias, Bartholomew, and Thaddeus. The establishment of the first Georgian eparchy (diocese) was also credited to the Apostle Andrew.

The active history of Christianity in Georgia begins with the missionary activities of Nino of Cappadocia beginning in 303. By 317 her message reached the rulers of the eastern and western kingdoms of Georgia when King Miriam II of Iberia (Eastern Georgia) and Queen Nana of Western Georgia adopted Christianity as the state religion. The Christianization of Georgia progressed over the next several centuries.

As part of the late Roman (Byzantine) Empire Georgian Christianity was heavily influenced by its form of practice. Initially, the churches in Georgia were part of the Apostolic See of Antioch. The Church of Georgia became autocephalous when the Patriarch of Antioch elevated the bishop of Mtskheta to the honor of Catholicos of Kastli in 466, an elevation recognized by the rest of the Church. Subsequently, the Catholicos was given the added title of Patriarch in 1010, making the title of the primate of the Georgian Church the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia.

The invasions of the tartars in the 13th and 15th centuries greatly disrupted Christianity and the government of Georgia. The state as well as the church were divided into two separate parts, in which the churches were governed by two separate Catholicos-Patriarchs. In 1801, Eastern Georgia, that is Kartli-Kakheti, was annexed by the Czar of Russia. By 1811, the Church in Georgia was absorbed into the Synodal Church of Russia, ending autocephaly for the Georgian church.

Recent history

As the Russian Empire began to dissolve after the abdication of Czar Nicholas II following the 1917 February Revolution, the Georgian hierarchs unilaterally announced restoration of autocephaly. While not accepted by the Church of Russia, the Soviet forces went further, regarding all Orthodox in Soviet territory to be subjected to their rule. Thus, the Church in Georgia was harassed and churches and other church activities were closed. Clergy, monks, and Christians in general were killed in the ensuing purges of the next several decades.

With recognition of the Orthodox Church by Stalin after the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, to gain support of the Church for repulsing the invasion, the autocephaly of the Church of Georgia was recognized in 1943 by the Church of Russia. Then, in 1989, autocephaly was recognized by the Patriarch of Constantinople, thus approving the de facto autocephaly exercised since the fifth century.


With the downfall of the Soviet Union and the resulting independence of the country of Georgia, a great revival has taken place for the Church of Georgia. As of 2002, more than eighty percent of the population of Georgia has identified themselves as Orthodox Christians. The church itself was organized into 33 dioceses, with 512 churches. The church in Georgia of some 3.5 million people was served by 730 priests.

Primatial title

The full title of the primate of the Church of Georgia is: "His Holiness and Beatitude, Catholicos-Patriarch of all Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi" (Georgian: უწმიდესი დ�? უნეტ�?რესი, სრული�?დ ს�?ქ�?რთველ�?ს კ�?თ�?ლიკ�?ს-პ�?ტრი�?რქი, მცხეთ�?-თბილისის მთ�?ვ�?რეპისკ�?პ�?სი)

Recent Catholicos-Patriarchs of All Georgia

  • Kirion II - (1917-1918)
  • Leonide - (1918-1921)
  • Ambrosi - (1921-1927)
  • Christefore III - (1927-1932)
  • Kalistrare - (1932-1952)
  • Melkisedek III - (1952-1960)
  • Eprem II - (1960-1072)
  • David V - (1972-1977)
  • Ilia II - (1977 to present)—

Dioceses of Georgia

  • Dioceses in Georgia
    • Diocese of Mtskheta and Tbilisi
    • Diocese of Alaverdi
    • Diocese of Akhalkalaki and Kumurdo
    • Diocese of Batumi and Skhalta
    • Diocese of Bodbe
    • Diocese of Bolnisi
    • Diocese of Borjomi and Bakuriani
    • Diocese of Chiatura
    • Diocese of Chqondidi
    • Diocese of Dmanisi
    • Diocese of Khoni and Samtredia
    • Diocese of Kutais-Gaenati
    • Diocese of Manglisi and Tsalka
    • Diocese of Margveti and Ubisa
    • Diocese of Mestia and Svaneti
    • Diocese of Nikortsminda
    • Diocese of Nikozi and Tskhinvali
    • Diocese of Poti and Khobi
    • Diocese of Rustavi and Marneuli
    • Diocese of Samtavisi and Gori
    • Diocese of Senaki and Chkhorotsqu
    • Diocese of Shemokmedi
    • Diocese of Stephantsminda and Khevi
    • Diocese of Tsageri and Lentekhi
    • Diocese of Tsilkani and Dusheti
    • Diocese of Tskhum-Apkhazeti
    • Diocese of Urbnisi and Ruisi
    • Diocese of Vani and Bagdati
    • Diocese of Zugdidi and Tsaishi
  • Dioceses partly abroad Georgia
    • Diocese of Akhaltsikhe, Tao-Klarjeti and Lazeti (partly in Turkey)
    • Diocese of Nekresi and Hereti (partly in Azerbaijan)
  • Dioceses abroad Georgia
    • Diocese of Agaraki and Tashiri (Armenia)
    • Diocese of West Europe (Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria)

External links