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38 de octeți șterși, 22 februarie 2010 15:10
Apologetică rusească
* the Moscow Metropolitan, Macarius (Bulgakov), ''An Introduction to Orthodox Theology'' (6th edition, St. Petersburg, 1897);
* a remarkable two volume textbook for religious academies by Professor N. P. Rozhdestvensky, Christian Apologetics--A Course of Fundamental Theology, (2nd edition, St. Petersburg, 1893); and
* an original investigation of dogmatic theology from an apologetic point of view, a remarkable two volume textbook for religious academies by the Professor V. RevN. P. Y. SvetlovRozhdestvensky, Experiment Christian Apologetics--A Course of Apologetical Exposition of the Orthodox Christian DoctrineFundamental Theology, (2nd edition, Vol. I and VolSt. II (KievPetersburg, 18981893). ; and
*Protoiereu P. Svetlov, Învăţătura creştină în expunere apologetică, traducere de Icon. St. Serghie Bejan şi Constantin N. Tomescu, 2 volume, Chişinău, 1935-1936, V+648+116 pagini (I), IV+652 pagini (II).
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