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Apocrypha may have different meanings depending on how it is applied to the Old or New Testaments and whether it is being used by Catholics, Protestants or Orthodox Christians. For the most part, the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon. Since most English language bibles are from non-Orthodox sources, they sometimes are subtitled with Apocrypha meaning that it includes the Old Testament, so called Deuterocanonical Books that in the Orthodox Church are considered to be genuine parts of the Bible.

Since mostly all of Christianity accept the same 27 books of the New Testament, the term apocrypha is used for both apocryphal books, and pseudoepigrapha books.

Vechiul Testament

Cărţile deuterocanonice/apocrife sunt cărţile din Vechiul Testament care sunt acceptate de Biserica Ortodoxă dar nu sunt acceptate de protestanţi.

Cuvântul deuterocanonic provine din cuvintele greceşti deutero şi canona care înseamnă "al doilea canon." Cuvântul apocrif provine din cuvântul grecesc ἀπόκρυφα, care înseamnă "ascuns". Conform învăţăturilor bisericii acestea pot fi citite pentru edificarea personală dar nu au autoritate asupra doctrinei. Ele sunt incluse în Biblia ortodoxă pentru că erau incluse în Septuaginta care se folosea în vremea Mântuitorului.

Cărţile apocrife ale Vechiului Testament

De asemenea, Psalmii sunt numerotaţi şi împărţiţi diferit.

Apocrifele VT în bisericile Romano-Catolică şi protestante

O Biblie ortodoxă care conţine apocrifele, Vechiul Testament are 49 de cărţi. Romano-Catolicii acceptă doar şapte cărţi deuterocanonoce, astfel încât Vechiul lor Testament conţine 46 de cărţi. Protestanţii nu acceptă deloc apocrifele astfel încât Vechiul lor Testament conţine doar 39 de cărţi. Toţi acceptă, însă, celelalte 27 de cărţi ale Noului Testament.

True Old Testament Apocrypha

There are examples of false books from the Old Testament, there books are: Assumption of Moses, Ascension of Isaiah, Apocalypse of Elijah, Book of Enoch, Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, and another Book of Maccabees. These books are not in the Old Testament canon of any church.

Noul Testament


Books of the apostolic times that were not included in the canon of scripture, but may have reputed apostolic or prophetic authorship, are called Apocryphal. These writings of the early Christian church give accounts of the teachings of Jesus, aspects of the life of Jesus, accounts of the nature of God, or the teachings of his apostles and of their lives. These writings often have links with those books which are regarded as canonical. According to Orthodox teaching they may be read for personal edification but are not authoritative for doctrine.


At the turn from the first century, many false writings about Christ were produced. These were the so-called apocryphal writings (not to be confused with the Old Testament apocrypha), also called pseudoepigrapha. These false writings carried the names of the apostles and introduced into Christian circles many fanciful and legendary stories about the childhood of Christ, the life of the Virgin Mary and the activities of the apostles.

With the pseudoepigrapha, there also appeared the false teachings of gnosticism, the Christian heresy which transformed Christianity into a kind of spiritualistic, dualistic, intellectualistic philosophy. The Christians of the Orthodox faith had to contend with these false teachings.

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