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'''TheosisÎndumnezeirea''' (în engleză "deification," "divinization") is the process of a worshiper becoming free of este procesul prin care un adorator se eliberează de ''hamártía'' ("missing the marklipsit de particularităţi"), being united with Godunindu-se cu Dumnezeu, beginning in this life and later consummated in bodily începând cu viaţa aceasta şi desăvârşind-o după [[resurrectionînviere]]a trupului. For Orthodox ChristiansPentru creştinii ortodocşi, Théōsis Îndumnezeirea (see a se vedea 2 Pet. 1:4) is salvationeste mântuire. Théōsis assumes that humans from the beginning are made to share in the Life or Nature of the all-Îndumnezeirea presupune că încă de la început, oamenii au fost creaţi pentru a conlucta în Viaţă şi în Natură cu [[holySfânt]] a [[TrinityTreime]]deplină. ThereforeAşadar, an infant or an un copil sau un adult worshiper is saved from the state of unholiness adorator este salvat din starea de lipsit de sfinţenie (''hamartía'' — which is not to be confused with care nu trebuie să fie confundată cu ''hamártēma'' “sin”“păcat”) for participation in the Life pentru participarea la Viaţa (''zōé'', not simply nu simpla ''bíos'') of the Trinity Treimii which is everlastingcare este nesfârşită.
This is not to be confused with the heretical Aceasta nu trebuie să fie confundată cu învăţătura eretică (apothéōsis) - "''Deification in God’s EssenceÎndumnezeirea în Firea lui Dumnezeu''", which is imparticipablecare nu poate fi împărtăşită.
==Teologia ortodoxă==Declaraţia [[Sfânt]]ului [[Atanasie din Alexandria]]: "Fiul lui Dumnezeu s-a făcut om, pentru ca noi să ne facem Dumnezeu " rezumă foarte frumos acest concept. În II Petru 1:4 se spune că noi trebuie să devenim " . . . partakers of divine nature." Atanasie măreşte semnificaţia acestui vers atunci când spune că Îndumnezeirea este "devenirea prin har ceea ce Dumnezeu este prin natură" (''De Incarnatione''Alternative spellings: Theiosis, TheopoiesisI). Ceea ce altfel ar părea absurd, omul căzut, păcătos poate deveni sfânt aşa cum Dumnezeu este sfânt, lucru posibil prin [[Iisus]] [[Hristos]], care este Dumnezeu întrupat. În mod natural, afirmaţia de căpătâi a creştinilor cum că Dumnezeu este Unul, stabileşte o limită absolută a înţelesului ''Îndumnezeirii''– nu este posibil pentru nici un fel de fiinţă creată să devină, [[ontologie|ontologic]], Dumnezeu sau chiar un alt dumnezeu.
== Orthodox theology ==The statement by Prin ''[[Saint|St.]] [[Athanasius of Alexandriateorie]]'', cunoaşterea lui Dumnezeu în Iisus Hristos, fiinţele umane ajung la cunoaşterea şi experimentarea a ceea ce înseamnă să fii om deplin (imaginea creată a lui Dumnezeu); prin comuniunea lor cu Iisus Hristos, "The Son of God became manDumnezeu se revelează El Însuşi rasei umane, that we might become God"pentru ca ei să împlinească tot ceea ce este Dumnezeu în cunoaştere, indicates the concept beautifullydreptate şi sfinţenie. II Peter 1:4 says that we have become " . . . partakers of divine nature." Athanasius amplifies the meaning of this verse when he says theosis is "becoming by grace what God is by nature" (De asemenea, ''De IncarnationeÎndumnezeirea''afirmă restaurarea deplină a tuturor oamenilor (şi a întregii creaţii), I)ca principiu. What would otherwise seem absurd, that fallen, sinful man may become holy as God is holy, has been made possible through Acest lucru se bazează pe înţelegerea [[Jesuspocăinţa]] pusă înaintea a orice de către Sfântul [[ChristIreneu de Lyons]], who is God incarnate. Naturally, the crucial Christian assertion, that God is One, sets an absolute limit on the meaning of ''theosis'' - it is not possible for any created being to become, [[ontology|ontologically]], God or even another godnumită "recapitulare. "
Through Pentru mulţi părinţi, ''îndumnezeirea''merge dincolo de simpla restaurare a oamenilor la starea lor de dinainte deCăderea lui [[theoriaAdam şi Eva]]'', the knowledge of God in Jesus Christpropovăduind că deoarece Hristos a unit natura umană cu cea divină în persoana Sa, human beings come to know and experience what it means to be fully human (the created image of God); through their communion with Jesus Christ God shares Himself with the human raceacum este posibil pentru cineva să experimenteze o relaţie cu Dumnezeu mai apropiată decât cea a lui Adam şi a Evei, in order to conform them to all that God is in knowledgeexperimentată în Grădina Raiului, righteousness and holinessşi aceşti oameni pot deveni mai asemenea lui Dumnezeu decât erau la vremea aceea Adam şi Eva. ''Theosis'' also asserts the complete restoration of all people (and of the entire creation), in principle. This is built upon the understanding of the [[atonement]] put forward by Unii teologi ortodocşi merg mai departe şi afirmă că Iisus s-ar fi [[Irenaeus of LyonsÎntrupare|întrupat]]fie şi numai pentru acest singur motiv, called "recapitulationchiar dacă Adam şi Eva nu ar fi păcătuit niciodată."
For many fathersToată umanitatea este pe deplin restaurată la potenţialul maxim de umanitate deoarece Fiul lui Dumnezeu a luat El Însuşi natura umană prin naşterea Sa din fecioară, ''theosis'' goes beyond simply restoring people to their state before the Fall of [[Adam and Eve]]şi, de asemenea, a luat asupra Sa suferinţa datorată păcatului (deşi El Însuşi nu este un om păcătos ci este Dumnezeu neschimbat în fiinţa Sa). În Hristos, cele două naturi umană şi divină nu sunt două persoane ci una singură; astfel, prin Hristos s-a făcut unirea dintre Dumnezeu şi întreaga umanitate. Deci, teaching that because Christ united the human and divine natures in his personDumnezeu cel Sfânt şi omul cel păcătos sunt împăcate, it is now possible for someone to experience closer fellowship with God than Adam and Eve initially experienced in the Garden of Edenîn principiu, and that people can become more like God than Adam and Eve were at that timeîn omul fără de păcate Iisus Hristos. Some Orthodox theologians go so far as to say that Jesus would have become (A se vedea rugăciunea lui Hristos din [[IncarnationEvanghelia după Ioan|incarnateIoan]] for this reason alone, even if Adam and Eve had never sinned.)
All of humanity is fully restored to the full potential of humanity because the Son of God took to Himself a human nature to be born of a woman, and takes to Himself also the sufferings due to sin (yet is not Himself a sinful man, and is God unchanged in His being). In Christ, the two natures of God and human are not two persons but one; thus, a union is effected in Christ, between all of humanity and God. So, the holy God and sinful humanity are reconciled in principle, in the one sinless man, Jesus Christ. (See Jesus's prayer as recorded in [[Gospel of John|John]] [ 17].)  This reconciliation is made actual through the struggle Această împăcare devine actuală prin lupta (''podvig'' in Russianîn rusă) to conform to the image of Christpentru conformarea cu modelul lui Hristos. Without the struggleFără luptă, the [[praxisexemplu]], there is no real faithnu există credinţă reală; faith leads to actioncredinţa duce la acţiune, without which it is deadfără de care este moartă. One must unite will, thought and action to God's will, His thoughts and His actions. A person must fashion his life to be a mirror, a true likeness of God. More than that, since God and humanity are more than a similarity in Christ but rather a true union, Christians' lives are more than mere imitation and are rather a union with the life of God Himself: so that, the one who is working out salvation, is united with God working within the penitent both to will and to do that which pleases God. [[Gregory Palamas]] affirmed the possibility of humanity's union with God ''in His energies'', while also affirming that because of God's transcendence and utter otherness, it is impossible for any person or other creature to know or to be united with God's ''essence''. Yet through faith we can attain [[phronema]], an understanding of the faith of the Church.
The journey towards theosis includes many forms of [[praxis]]. Living in the community of the church and partaking regularly of the sacraments, and especially the [[Eucharist]], is taken for granted. Also important is cultivating "prayer of the heart", and prayer that never ceases, as Paul exhorts the Thessalonians ([[I Thessalonians|1]] and [[II Thessalonians|2]]). This unceasing prayer of the heart is a dominant theme in the writings of the Fathers, especially in those collected in the [[Philokalia]].
''See alsoA se vedea şi:'' [[Desert FathersPărinţii deşertului]], [[HesychasmIsihasm]], [[Maximus the ConfessorMaxim Mărturisitorul]], [[MonasticismMonahism]]
== Comparative considerations Consideraţii comparative===== ''TheosisÎndumnzeirea'' in the Christian West în Apusul creştin===
Although the doctrine of ''theosis'' came to be neglected in the Western Church, it was clearly taught in the Roman Catholic tradition as late as the 13th century by Thomas Aquinas, who taught that "full participation in divinity which is humankind's true beatitude and the destiny of human life" (''Summa Theologiae'' 3.1.2).
===Some Protestant use of the term Utilizarea protestantă a termenului "theosisîndumnezeire"===
In addition to the strong currents of ''theosis'' in early and some contemporary Catholic theology, one can find it as a recurring theme within Anglicanism: in Lancelot Andrewes (17th c.), the hymnody of John and Charles Wesley (18th c.), Edward B. Pusey (19th c.), and A. M. Allchin and E. Charles Miller (20th c.). The Finnish school of Lutheranism led by Tuomo Mannermaa argues that Martin Luther's understood justification to mean ''theosis''.
The Protestant conceptions of [[praxis]], [[phronema]], [[ascetical theology]], and [[sacrament]]s are quite different from Catholic and Orthodox understandings, but the use of the term ''theosis'' may <!-- only "may" because the conception of perfection may reflect a radical difference, depending upon the theological tract being compared-->illustrate a commonality of objective or hope.
===Deification in Îndumnezeirea în [[Mormonism]]===
The doctrine of theosis or [ deification] in [[Mormonism|The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]] differs significantly from the '''theosis''' of Orthodox Christianity. In Mormonism it is usually referred to as ''[[exaltation]]'' or ''eternal life''. While the primary focus of Mormonism is on the [[atonement]] of Jesus Christ, the reason for the [[atonement]] is exaltation which goes beyond mere [[salvation]]. All men will be saved from [[sin]] and [[death]], but only those who are sufficiently [[obedient]] and accept the atonement of Jesus Christ before the [[judgment]] will be exalted. One popular Mormon quote, coined by the early Mormon "disciple" Lorenzo Snow in 1837, is "As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may be."[] The teaching was taught first by Joseph Smith while pointing to John 5:19 of the New Testament, "God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ himself did." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 345-46).
The Mormons' belief differs with the Orthodox belief in deification because the Latter-Day Saints believe that the core being of each individual, the "intelligence" which existed before becoming a spirit son or daughter, is uncreated or eternal. Orthodox deification always acknowledges a timeless Creator versus a finite creature who has been glorified by the grace of God. The Mormons are clear promoters of henotheism, and the Church Fathers have absolutely no commonality with their view.
==See alsoA se vedea==* [[SoteriologySoteriologie]]
==Published worksLucrări publicate==
* Stavropoulos, Archimandrite Christoforos. ''Partakers of Divine Nature''. trans. by [[Stanley S. Harakas]] (ISBN 0937032093) []
* Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti. ''One With God: Salvation As Deification And Justification''. (ISBN 0814629717)
*Mannermaa, Tuomo. ''Christ Present in Faith: Luther's View of Justification''. (A literal translation would be: ''In Faith Itself Christ is Really Present: The Point of Intersection Between Lutheran and Orthodox Theology''.) (ISBN 0800637119)
==External linksLegături externe==
* [ Theosis - Achieving Your Potential In Christ] by Fr. [[Anthony M. Coniaris]]
* [ Energy in the New Testament and in Later Theology] by Dr. Athanasios Bailey, Orchid Land Publications.
* [ Norman Russell: "Partakers of the Divine Nature" (2 Peter 1:4) in the Byzantine Tradition - From the hommage to Joan Hussey ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΡΙΑ, Porphyrogenitus Publ., Camberley UK, 1998]
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