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Ieronim II (Liapis) al Atenei

21 de octeți șterși, 16 iunie 2011 15:10
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{{Traducere EN}}
[[Image:Archbishop Ieronymos.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Arhiepiscopul Ieronim II (Liapis) al Atenei slujind [[Sfânta Liturghie]] în ziua întronizării sale]]Preafericitul '''Ieronim II (Liapis) al Atenei''' este arhiepiscop al Atenei și primat al [[Biserica Ortodoxă a Greciei|Bisericii Ortodoxe a Greciei]]. Întronizarea sa a avut loc la [[16 februarie]] 2008<ref>[ Athens News Agency - Archbishop Ieronymos serves Liturgy on the day of his enthronement]enthroned]</ref>.
His Beatitude, the Most Blessed '''Ieronymos II (Liapis) of Athens''' is the Archbishop and [[primate]] of the [[Church of Greece]]. His [[enthronement]] took place on [[February 16]], 2008.<ref>[ Athens News Agency - Archbishop Ieronymos enthroned]</ref>__NOTOC__==LifeViața==
Born Ioannis Liapis in 1938, Ieronymos is a graduate of the School of Philosophy and the School of Theology of the University of Athens, followed by Byzantine studies on a nationwide state scholarship, and post-graduate studies in Austria and Germany.
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{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=?|titletitlu=Metropolitan of Thebes and Metropolit de Theba și Levadeia|yearsani=1981-2008|afterdupă=?}}{{successionsuccesiune|beforeînainte=[[Christodoulos Hristodul (Paraskevaides) of Athensal Atenei|Christodoulos Hristodul (Paraskevaides)]]|titletitlu=[[List of Archbishops of AthensListă a arhiepiscopilor Atenei|Archbishop of AthensArhiepiscop al Atenei]]|yearsani=2008-present|afterdupă=&mdash;}}
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*[ Official biography]
<references />
==External linksLegături externe==
*[ Listing] at the Orthodox Research Institute
*[ Ieronymos of Thebes elected Archbishop]
*[ Enthronement speech as Archbishop]
[[CategoryCategorie:BishopsEpiscopi]][[CategoryCategorie:Archbishops of AthensArhiepiscopi ai Atenei]][[Category:University of Athens Theology School Graduates]]
[[en:Ieronymos II (Liapis) of Athens]]
[[fr:Hiéronyme II (Liapis) d'Athènes]]
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