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Ghenadie I al Constantinopolului

572 de octeți șterși, 13 decembrie 2011 13:50
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About the same time St. [[Daniel the Stylite]] began to live on the column of Pharos near Constantinople, apparently without the Patriarch's leave, and certainly without the permission of Gelasius, the owner of the property where the pillar stood, who strongly objected to this strange invasion of his land. The emperor Leo protected the [[asceticism|ascetic]], and some time later sent Patr. Gennadius to [[ordination|ordain]] him a [[priest]], which he is said to have done standing at the foot of the column because Daniel objected to being ordained and refused to let the bishop mount the ladder. At the end of the rite, however, the [[patriarch]] ascended to give [[Holy Communion]] to the stylite and to receive it from him. Whether he then imposed his hands on him is not said. Possibly he considered it sufficient to extend them from below towards Daniel.
According to Aşa cum relata Theodorus Lector(Theodoros Anagnostes) în a sa ''Historia Ecclesiastica''., Gennadius would allow no one to become Sf. Ghenadie a member the ordonat ca nimeni să nu poată deveni membru al [[clergycler]] unless he had learned the ului până nu învăţa [[PsalterPsaltirea]] by heart. He made St. Marcian ''oeconomus'' of the Church of Constantinople. Theodorus also relates how a painter, presuming to depict the Saviour under the form of the Roman god Jupiter, had his hand withered, but was healed by the prayers of Gennadiuspe de rost.
The buying and selling of holy orders was a crying scandal of the age. Measures had been taken against simony by the Council of Chalcedon. It seems not later than 459, Gennadius celebrated În timpul păstoririi sale l-a great council of eighty-one bishops, many of whom were from the East and even from Egypt, including those who had been dispossessed of their sees by Timothy Aelurus. The letter of this council against simony is still preserved (J. D. Mansi, VII, 912)numit pe Sf. An encyclical was issued, adding anathema to the former sentence[[Marcian]] ''oeconomus'' al Bisericii Constantinopolului.
Sf. Ghenadie s-a străduit să elimine [[simonie|simonia]] (vânzarea şi cumpărarea harului de a săvârşi slujbe bisericeşti, în locul dobândirii acestui har prin vrednicie), care era, din păcate, destul de răspândită în acea perioadă, deşi fuseseră luate unele măsuri la [[Sinodul IV Ecumenic]] de la Calcedon din anul 451. Pentru aceasta, patriarhul Ghenadie I a convocat un [[sinod]] ce a avut loc la Constantinopol în anul 459. La acest sinod au participat 81 de episcopi, nu numai din [[Imperiul Roman de Răsărit]], ci şi din Africa (Egipt), inclusiv cei care fuseseră înlăturaţi pentru vederile lor ortodoxe de către patriarhul [[monofizism|monofizit]] Timotei al II-lea [[Listă a patriarhilor Alexandriei|al Alexandriei]]. În cadrul lucrărilor sinodului a fost aprobată ''Enciclica împotriva simoniei'', scrisă de însuşi Ghenadie şi au fost luate măsuri concrete pentru ca simonia să nu mai poată fi practicată.
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