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Leon al III-lea Isaurul

17 octeți adăugați, 21 decembrie 2022 10:27
During the following year, Leo was able to defeat the Arab forces that had taken advantage of the chaotic situation in the empire as well as end the instability within the empire. Leo also established a number of civil reforms concerning taxation, elevating serfs to a class of free tenants, and remodeled family and maritime law.
It was in religious matters that his reforms created much dissension. In 722, he enacted legislation to enforce [[baptism]] on [[Judaism|Jews]] and [[Montanism|Montanists]] in the empire, apparently with some success, and then beginning in 726 he issued a series of edicts concerning the veneration of images that in 730 required removal of all [[icon]]s from the [[church]]es, enforced by military force. As an iconoclast, Leo came to clash with Patr. [[Gherman I al Constantinopolului]], a strong [[iconodul]]. Not willing to acknowledge Leo's decree prohibiting images at a council summoned by Leo in 730, Patr. Germanus was forced to resign as [[patriarchpatriarh]].
In the place of Patr. Germanus, Leo appointed Anastasius, an iconoclast, as patriarch. Anastasius served as patriarch until 754. In retaliation for the opposition to [[iconoclasm]] by Popes [[Gregory Grigorie al II of Rome-lea al Romei|Gregory II]], who had summoned the 730 and 732 councils in Rome to anathematize and excommunicate the iconoclasts, and [[Gregory Grigorie al III of Rome-lea al Romei|Gregory III]], Leo transferred Southern Italy and Illyrium from the papal [[diocese]] to that of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a transfer that was largely ignored.
Împăratul Leon al III-lea Isaurul a murit pe [[18 iunie]] 741 și pe tron i-a urmat fiul său Constantin al V-lea, și el iconoclast. Leon al III-lea a fost înmormântat în Biserica Sfinților Apostoli din Constantinopol.
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