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Maria din Betania

1 octet adăugat, 22 februarie 2010 13:46
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Sfânta [[mironosiţă]] '''Maria din Betania''' a fost una din femeile care l-au urmat pe Mântuitorul Iisus Hristos și i-au fost [[ucenic]]e. Ea și sora ei Marta sunt trecute de Biserica Ortodoxă în rândul [[sfinţi]]lor, [[prăznuire]]a lor făcându-se la data de [[4 iunie]]. They are also commemerated on the [[Third Sunday of Pascha]] or [[Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women]]. Martha and Mary were believers in Christ even before Jesus Christ raised their brother St. [[Lazarus]] ([[October 17]]) from the dead. After the [[Ascension]] of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the murder of the holy Archdeacon [[Apostle Stephen the Protomartyr|Stephen]] a persecution against the [[Church of Jerusalem]] broke out, and [[Righteous]] Lazarus was cast out of Jerusalem. The holy sisters then assisted their brother in the proclaiming of the [[Gospel]] in various lands. They reposed in Cyprus, where their brother became the first [[Bishop]] of Kition after his resurrection from the dead. We do not know how they died.
==Apariți Apariții în Sfânta Scriptură==
[[Evanghelia după Matei|Matei]] 26:6-13
*[ Icon of St. Mary of Bethany]
[[Category:Sfinţi biblicebiblici]]
[[en:Mary of Bethany]]
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