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510 octeți adăugați, 10 februarie 2010 08:54
Charalampus is Haralambie este sfântul care a most wonderful [[saint]] who lived to trăit la cea mai înaintată vârstă: avea 113 ani atunci când a very old age. fost He was 113 when he was tortured and later martyredtorturat şi martirizat. The Emperor Severus had appointed  Lucian as the governor of the territory of Magnesia where Charalampus was a priest, numit de către împăratul Septimiu Sever ca ''proconsul'' (guvernator) al cetăţii Magnezia din Asia Mică şi al teritoriului aferent, era foarte supărat de faptul că Haralambie, preot şi apoi episcop în Magnezia, reuşise să convertească foarte mulţi păgâni şi să facă din comunitatea creştină de acolo un exemplu şi pentru alţii. În plus, Lucian was upset that Charalampus was [[conversion|converting]] so many pagansştia prea bine că, dacă voia să se menţină în graţiile împăratului, trebuia să se remarce şi prin prigonirea creştinilor. He had him arrested and commanded him to honor the stone godsEl a ordonat arestarea episcopului Haralambie şi i-a poruncit acestuia să se închine idolilor păgâni (statuile zeilor aşezate în temple). Since he would not do thisLa refuzul categoric al lui Haralambie, Lucian began to torture hima dat ordin ca acesta să fie torturat până când îşi va renega credinţa şi se va se închina zeilor păgâni.   They used a tool that would flay the skin and they cut his skin to shreds. All the while, Charalampus gave thanks to our Lord. His strength amazed the executioners and they were converted. The military commander, Lucius, was angry and had his two officers Porphyrios and Vaptos beheaded. Three other women were converted, and were also killed. Then miraculously, the general's hands were severed at the elbow and he saw them hanging from the martyr's body. Fear spread throughout the city. People began to beg mercy from the God Charalampus professed. The general begged for mercy from Charalampus. The Lord's voice was heard and instantly all those injured were healed. The general was converted and [[baptism|baptized]]. The Governor Lucian stopped persecuting the Christians until he could report back to the emperor. Meanwhile, Charalampus performed many [[miracle]]s, healing the sick, curing the blind, and even raising some from the dead. The whole region came to believe in [[Jesus Christ]].
Severus, when he heard about this from Lucian, was outraged and sent in three hundred troops to arrest Charalampus and drive spikes into his spine. They were to drag him from Magnesia to a nearby town. But after they had dragged him about a mile and a half, two of the soldiers' horses began talking to the soldiers in a great voice calling them minions of the devil. The horses said to free Charalampus lest they be harmed. This frightened them and they stopped the torture.
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