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Nichifor Calist

4 octeți adăugați, 7 iunie
Adăugare legătură
Nichifor Calist este cunoscut pentru o ''Istorie a Bisericii'' (''Ecclesiasticae Historiae'') în 23 de volume, din care s-au păstrat doar 18. Aceste volume acoperă perioada istorică de la începuturile creștinismului și până la execuția împăratului Foca, în anul 610, care a uzurpat tronul de la împăratul [[Mauriciu]]. From a table of contents of the lost appendix of five volumes, the chronicle continued a summarization of the events until the death in 912 of emperor Leo VI (the Wise). As the ''Historiae'' was dependent on the earlier works of [[Eusebiu de Cezareea]], [[Evagrie Scolasticul]], [[Sozomen]], and others, apparently without critical assessment, its value is dependent upon the quality of the sources. As the Historiae is a product of the times of Byzantine humanism, it is written in an affected style that often impedes textual clarity.
Nikephoros’ other works include commentaries on the writings of the patristic Greek [[theologian]] [[Grigore Teologul]] and of the monk [[Ioan Scărarul]] as well as treatises on the annual cycle of Orthodox services annotated with Lenten and [[Pascha]]l hymnody. His writings also include original liturgical orations in prose and poetry and on secular themes in verse and rhetorical forms.
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